Month: March 2004


Most people know I’ve known Randy since preschool, used to be able to whoop his ass too, now he lifts me above his head n shit. Now he gets this pimpass ride..and…I don’t..lucky bastard. Its a beaut man, you better give me alotta rides. I dont know whether to sit in it, or impregnate it.

Damn…bia..heres my future wife gettin down and boogy…oogy…oogyin:

Thats all I gotta say about that
You got me straight trippin boo

I won a math debate (say it 5 x fast)

First and foremost, that I heard, Stevo’s still in the hospital, under close watch in Standfords ICU, I’m sure once he gets out he’ll like the comments you guys made. Many thanks bia.

And den, today man, today was god damn nipply, after like 2 weeks of pure blazing hotness witha bittle litta breeze, todays like winters last ditch effort to shrink my shit. I fell asleep so hard in drivers ed today, my first day too, teach prolly thought I was a bum, least he dint make any Brady Bunch jokes, major plus.

Howzzabout that weekend? Went wiff the Bobs, bought some fly ass discs at Vinyl solution for like 2 bucks each, that place is awesome. Woke up at like 6 again ran with my dad to the beach in Stephan’s hometown of Pacifica. Did some other stuff, I dont remember I was tired.

Atmosphere is a bitchin group, ya gots to check em out, Shell Fish gave me the word.

By the way, I have officially openned the NBHQ Clothing Line, im charging as little as possible so I dont get any profit. Mad props if I see your gellin lika felon sportin the NBHQ tee. So buy some shit bia.

Dear Steven Curran

So I get this call and they tell me your in the hospital cause you hit your head real hard,
remember ya got friends man, people care about you here, no one wants anythin to happen to ya
you one hellova fruitball player, one helluva swimmer, and all that stuff
so want ya to know were all pullin for ya and sorry shit like this had to happen to you
hang in there man


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