Month: March 2004

You my boy, blue

I went to a memorial for my grampa today, nice to see all the family. Thing is, I usually hang out with grampa in these family get together sorta things. Miss that guy. My gramma had a bunch of pictures of my grampa spanning througout his lifetime, one thing I noticed was that he always hadda full heada hair. Hope thats hereditary :). Got semi-dressed up for the occasion, I couldnt believe how hot it was in the city, which is usually carpeted in fog it was all nice.

Ya damn right im tired, but that wont stop meh :D. Now ‘scuse me while I kiss the sky.

Sincerely Crazyboutchu:
Mac Daddy Brizzady

For all the haters:

Oh I!

Woke up 5:30 today, took my dad runnin cuz hes old and is adopting the physical features of this guy. So we went across the golden gate, crazy to see so many people up that early, all sportin the super cool ball hugging gear. Other than that, good peoples, cept for those bike people, no one likes the punk who comes up from behind you and barks “ON YOUR LEFT!.” Whatevers.

So check it out meng, my MOM bought the Outkast record, thats crazy, she bought it for herself. CRAZY, so I grabbed that shit and ripped it right quick. Been listenin to it ever since, I found out Andre 3000 really is cooler than cool…Incredible beats…The “Church” track hella reminds me of the video games they used to have at the discovery zone, anyone remember that place? That was the shit, but I duwanna even fathom what was in the bottom of the ball pit..nasty

I can’t find my frizzickin cell phone! Jeez mang, I wish someone would jus tell me they found it, and bring it over herr, or something. mmm hmmm

Oh and I forgot to tell yas bout the Spanish class dealio. So I’m headin to Spanish Wednsday and I see everyone standin outside the door with facces that were contorted with disgust. I dint really dint know what the haps werr so I stroll through the crowd into the class and I sware to jesus tapdancing christ, that was the WORST god damn smell I have ever experienced. I’m not lyin man, it was like..shitnuts roasting over an open fire. So of course, my shitass school, the one that never overlooks anything ever, decides to overlook this shiz and stuff the class fulla fans. So instead of containing the rankness to a corner, or wherever the hell it was comin from, they let it stir through the class and let the fumes slowly peel the food right outta yo mouf. Nasteee shiz. So turns out, it was TWO dead fucking rats that were rotting in the wall…turns out Rubinson ate the third one which was the reason the failed to return to the class the day following. Serves you right Miss Mole! Ya arent supposed to eat rats.

In case you were wondering what my spanish teacher looks like, check it:

Fore I go, I jus wanna give ya some good, GOOD lovin, Oh I…Oh I!..Oh Iiiiiii….

In the midnight hour, babe, MO, MO, MO

Jesus tapdancing christ, when did the school get to g’dam ghetto? Bathrooms are bein locked down now cuz sum fuk shat onna toilet paper thingy. And hella peeps taggin and shit.. Its lame man.. Watch man…this time next year, its gonna be even worse, bound by the weight of regulation, weighted by worries of few.

Anyhoo, I got a lot to work on, fer the site I think ill do it sometime before Tuesday. I haven’t takin to many new pics lately, so Im askin peeps to send me pics that THEY took. So yeh mawn, send all pics and Fan Signs to Ill put that shizz up right away baby. And uh.. I’ll get the site lookin a lot prettier too. Since I got all the inspiration I need.

Random ass shit:

The “F” Word, its art man..

Big Plans…

Big Changes comin to the site, I got ideas for a new layout, I’m wondering about the actual size in terms of pixel dimensions. Do you guys want it how it is now? 3 columns, so you can see the most content? Or something more horizontal, more abstract looking. Either way, I think its gonnna be green this time round. Imma try to get sommore content in it too, some user input would be nice. I also wanted to start gettin some bills for runnin this, maybe I’ll start a clothing line soon, jus in time for the summer.
Im diggin this weather man, jus wish the pool was a lil cooler :P. Oh and my ears finally popped after like 4 days. Thats crazy.. I still sound hella “flemmy.” That better be fixed soon g’dammit. And I cant smell so much, so if I’m wearin too much Axe right now, imma mighty sorry :D. Its crazy everyones gettin super tan, Randys damn near Mexican status, I bet even lil ol Stevo’s gettin pinker by the minute. But me? My freckles jus sorta merge together. Blows, but soon ill be black…soon..

I got time now, so imma keep on keepin, Paco went to the Metallica show the other night, gotta fly ass shirt (if you like tye dye) shiot…Wishi coulda gone to that. Damn the last concert I went too was like…the Pop Sucks Tour? Wiff Stevo? Wasnt it? Iono, Pinkie prolly knows. That wuzza good show, could barely see KoRN through all the smoke heh, its all part of it though. Gotta be fights, boobs, and weed atta concert, otherwise its…Raffi sinkin bout baby belugas in the deep blue sea.

Oh and I was in the bathroom jus now, and I have to say, its official, I go o the nastiest god damn school. Cause what do I see? On the fucking toilet paper thing? Big…Hunka…MANBROWNIE! I duwanna see that shit! Good god man, at least have the decensy to pinch that shit (pun intended) off in the urinal…fuckin turdburgelers man…

And? You are the perfect drug,
you make me hard when i’m all soft inside
I see the truth when i’m all stupid-eyed
the arrow goes straight through my heart
without you everything just falls apart

What the hell is this??

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