Back With a Bang Bang Bang
Here we are with a brand spankin new layout, its gotta be the millionth one I’ve pinced outta my anus in the 3+ years NBHQ has been around. I do apologize for my prolonged absence, I’ve been workin hard and hardly workin over at Network Artist, poppa’s gotta earn his bread for Kwanzaa gifts right?
The other day I have watched a man pierce both his nipples in 5th period weight lifting class with nothing more than a rubber band, a safety pin, and some extreme testicular fortitude, I will have cell phone photos of that pronto.
I took my woman of seven months to a fancy dinner followed by an informal viewing of March of the Penguins (I would LOVE to hug a damn penguin), kinda shocking how good we are together, than again, sometimes she spills shit in the kitchen…
I also made a little collage to celebrate the new layout, I’m not gonna say im 100% satisfied with it so I jus might jus make me another, but check out this one first and use it for your wallpaper or somethin.

So the new layout isn’t anywhere close to being done, but mosta the links work, so enjoy yourself bitch.
– Horrible Video Game Covers
– Michelle/Ashley Wannabes
– Professional Farters
– For Kairon
i guess i like the new lay out. looks kind of out dated to me though. 🙂
it has been the best 7 months of my life, my love. i love you so much.
you better not be 100% satisfied with that collage.. and you know what im talking about and no i am not kidding. but i still love you. love your boo.
nice layout meng. lovin the background with all the pics and things too. and thx for the ninja moves haha. *monkey steals peach!
-swing the arms like windmills to distract the enemy
haha thats so awesome.
aite take care bro
i likes it. i reeeeeally like the top how the pics change and all. GOOD STUFF!!!
oh and PS. i like the links hahahah
yesssss. there’s still a picture of me = ]
i realllllllly really like the new layout. and the collages.
PAAALEASE make a new collage