Boxliftin, Football Spectatin, Slang Bangin Bia
First of all that drawing is badass, took me far too long to get it posted. So I dint go to school on Friday mainly because im far too fainéant and because im to fainéant to pronounce fainéant. So I spent my early hours sawin logs till my pop pop came by and called for my boxlifting expertise. He had 1600 pounds worth of African brochures to deliver to…Africa or somethin, so I helped em move what there was left. Filled the trunk with the shit, took about seven years offa the suspension and than we achieved white trash status when we bunjeed the shit together.
That wasn’t very funny or interesting was it…? Well neither is this: Central Coast Selection (CCS) Championchips for football were on Saturday, and by dang we were in it! Thats right honey bunches of Dons! Red and black coated the field against our baby blue and spoiled cream white opposition. Aragon VS. Serra, clash of the rich and richer. May I jus say that I was jittery with excitement, but that could have also been attributed to that shitty energy drink Kairon gave me. The game was pretty damn close the whole way through, till we went into overtime and packed the fudge outta the Serra boys and their spirit boys. We won, they lost we won, they baked cookies.
As for that Kelsie all the fellas tip their hats to, well she got invited to a team sleepover party where there were alledged accounts of massive hot tub abuse, and …well I guess thats all she told me about. Anyway I jus had to comment on that cause the invitation was jus too darn cute to overlook! Allah knows how much I like cute sundries. Oh and did I mention I took a pic of Kelsie’s ATM machine?….Oh.. I didn’t?

– Funny lookin kid
– Pepsi Twist
– My idol
– My pal and I
– Anti – Bush Game
– Another Anti – Bush Game
– Download Eminem – Encore Album
– Download new Beastie Boys Record
– Download Evanescence’s shitty record
– Local news: Bout that San Mateo guy who drives around in the truck with the abortion photos aka the sonofabitch guy
– NBA Riot Footage!!!
Hey. What’s up with Erik, and where is he?