Category: Classics

Rest In Peace Nick

SAN MATEO � Seventeen-year-old Nicholas Barron loved cars so much and had such a silver tongue that when his grandmother Marlene Ferrigno went to pick out a Cadillac, he came with her. He picked out everything, from the cherry-red color to the chrome package, and did all the dealing with the car salesman, his mother Gina Barron said.

But cars proved his undoing Saturday night. Barron, a student at Aragon High School, was killed in a car accident shortly after 10 p.m.

“It shouldn’t happen,” his father, Joel Barron, said Sunday.

Nicholas � the youngest of three sons � was driving his older brother Anthony Barron’s 1993 Camaro Z28 westbound on state Highway 92 at between 90 and 100 mph on the night he died, according to the California Highway Patrol.

While speeding, he attempted to merge into the fast lane from the next lane over, police said. He lost control of the car, and it veered right and hit another car driven by a 76-year-old San Mateo man who was traveling at 55 mph. The Camaro kept veering right, drove up a steep embankment and flipped.

Nicholas, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected from the car and pronounced dead at the scene. He was driving two friends up to the Crystal Springs Safeway store to meet with other friends, his parents said. The two passengers were wearing seat belts and were treated and released from Stanford Hospital with minor injuries.

The man driving the other car suffered moderate injuries and was also taken to Stanford.

The accident left family and friends bereft of a generous and charismatic young man who could, his grandfather George Barron said, “sell an icebox to an Eskimo.”

His brother, Brandon Barron, recalled going to the dean’s office at Aragon for throwing a piece of clay one day and finding Nicholas there � hanging out with the dean, and skipping class to do so.

Joel Barron said he found an employee for his startup company through his youngest son. He laughed about how well Nicholas played baseball at this year’s Father’s Day picnic, catching with his bare hands and hitting home runs, though he’d never followed his two brothers’ interest in sports. The entire family recalled that Nicholas helped a friend move earlier that day before his shift at Safeway, which ended at 9 p.m.

“He was so comfortable in his own skin,” Gina Barron said.

And then there were the cars. Nicholas got a scooter when he was only 15, and by the time he was 17, he had a huge Dodge Ram pickup that he worked on every week, his friend Ben Blosser said. Nicholas and his brother Anthony liked to trade cars from time to time, switching the sports car for the truck.

Crowds of Nicholas’ friends gathered in front of his home Sunday. They were already wearing shirts with his likeness printed on the front and back.

“He could make anybody smile,” said Tory Freeman, 16.

As of last night, the world has lost one of its brightest beings, Nick Barron was a great friend to me throughout my life, I have known him since Kindergarden, biggest smile, said hi to my mom all the time. If there was ever someone who never deserved something like this, it was Nick. He leaves behind two brothers and two loving parents who could all use your support in this tragic matter. Please show your respect for him by using this buddy icon that can also be found here. Or you can download this wallpaper:

I’m In Motion

I have a ride. Four wheels, one engine, and three pedals. My chariot to freedom, conveyance to bitchin-ness, my 1993 Toyota mutha fuckin Celica. Wanna see it? here it is. It’s a standard transmission, kind of a bitch to get down but I think I’m doin alright, the amount of stalling is definately goin down, but a bunch more laps around CSM and I should have it down. It’s pretty bitchin havin a car and all. And now you all know.

I don’t like MySpace, I respect Tom for creating a platform for whiny fourteen year-olds to vent their collective angst and post slut-tastic pics and take deep, personal surveys. With that said, I made one. The summer has not been a very bountiful three months in terms of hits and user traffic for, and I’m hopin that by exploiting MySpace and raping the network with NBHQ ads we jus might be able to get back on track!

So I plan on dropping the new layout in a few days, the more I over analyze the layout and spot of little bits and pieces of lame, the more I realize that it should jus be a placeholder for something bigger and better, and though I have been a little dry of creative juice as of late I am hoping the reunion with my fellow classmen will cause me to secrete the creativity once more!

Summer Wind

It’s been a buncha hot days since I’ve my back fat has stuck to the sticky black leather of my executive night sky black office chair and poked away at my keyboard. Ten of these blazing days I spent learning how to water-ski, admiring geese, and pickin up hotties in the beautiful Lake Tahoe. This is my second time out there, first time was with eebs. This time definately had its perks, gettin to wake up to my girl on the norm, lettin the sun scar my corneas out of dreamland, I am my own biological timepiece, the corona, my alarm clock. Speakin of that lil relentless yellow blistering ball of heat, I, being of honkey decent, living in a body plagued by freckles, moles, and various other types of dermatological wonders, I am what you would call “prone to sun damage.” Being, 6,500 feet closer to the sun than in good ol San Mateo, might also be a contributing factor to why my skin pigment illuminates to a glowing shade of red, we can expect a full peel any day now. So a lotta days were spent out on the lake on my noble aquatic steed, the baddest of the bad wave runner galloping to speeds over 50 mph guaranteed to disturb the tranquility of my fine feathered friends I tried tubing a couple times, and promptly came to the conclusion that it was not intended for the male gender or any other halfway-gender with protrusive components, lotta slapping of the goods goin on… Julia did it like a G and made me ashamed of my testicles and assorted manhood. That girl is a crazy ass driver on that jet ski too, hurled my ass off it the first time we went on it, betcha wish I took a pic of that shit eh? Too damn bad Jack. This is a 14 ft long anaconda snake skin, I will answer no questions on the matter. This is McKenna burying my foot alive, and here’s a rare sighting of a bunny in twilight. Spent some days with volleyball superstar Katie Hurley, she’s a pussy. She’s 5’10, we shot the shit about living as giants among the dwarfs, she really wanted to make sure I put this picture online and I respect the wishes of my freakishly tall sister. She tried tubing and held on the whole time, and managed to stay afloat. Kudos. I ask you now, my undying legion of dedicated fans and followers : have any of you heard of a “Junebug”? Insectile, ball of hiss, teeth, talons, with wings about the size of Cahill, bigass fucker. One of those bugs that you can hear before you see god damn helicopter. Anyway, I spent this year’s 4th of July over there, peeped some superior works of fire, along with this fine flame thanks to Drew and his irresistable lumberjack skills we ate the obligatory yearly meal of hotty dogs, ribs, chicks, corn, steaks, the best eats I’ve had in a damn while. Big ups to chefs for that. So as the eve wore on, and the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air subsided, we treated into my 10-day home and watched in amazement as my ladies momma bust out her samurai sword and warn that she’d cut a bitch if the need beckoned. A buncha days were spent on the boat, I liked the boat, took neat pictures on the boat, and Katie sucks ass at trying to get on the boat. We went on a hike, saw a fat black spider on the hike, I also saw and tasted snow, and ya better believe I dint hesitate to slide down that ish along with Julia’s cousin Lucas who bears a STRIKE resemblence to the kid from that christmas movie. All and all it really was the best damn vacation I’ve had in a long while, pickin up hotties, so havin a hot girlfriend is pretty much the best times, even if I hafta help her groom herself

So since I’ve been back home, sweating my balls off, I have been the victim, yet again, of a malicious assault on my hallway. The culprits at large chalked the entire entryway, everywhere, and than had the nerve to leave their French calling card. Damn hooligans.

Had a few people over the other night, Pinky and me thunk up the idea to stuff a buncha modified Piccolo Petes ( fireworks ) inside this here computer, but than got sidetracked and ended up in the pool with Emily, and the lord of the rings, Ash’ms. At first I had those beezies right where I wanted em…The tables quickly turned, and I was swiftly kicked in the wall, she didn’t waste any time latchin onto my hand with her sharpass grill, check out my Emily bite, brutal eh? What Emily DIDN’T know was that I am quite skilled in the art of croc handling and went straight for her powerful mandible was wearin her like a glove. Than Bobs, Brandan, and Caitlin swung by. Ash put her painting on pause to braid Bran’s long ass hair, while Emily painted Bobs’ face. Than they both did me, reminded me of my time spent in juvy…Anyway, we looked awesome, and Brandon looked pretty bitchin himself with his newfound braids. So a couple hours later, when the fellas went to leave, the car wouldnt start, tried to jumpstart the thing with no avail, as if Brandon knew what the ass he was doin anyway. The Bobs sprung Colin a ring and within minutes, he had em runnin T-H-E fuckin END.

From now on I wont take so long to post, All Apologies. Check out the views gallery if your into breathtaking scenery and eye-opening sunsets.

Bruce Lee Training Video
Make Your Own Comic Strip
Crates and Barrels
Suction Head Man
Typewriter Artist
Scariest Dog Ever

Heyyyyyy It’s Our Buddy!

I’ts been sommore of the same as of late, goin to the gym everyday, self breast augmentation seems to be the way to go, I am benchpressing my way to B-Cups, curling my way to stretched out shirts. Ruff stopped by the other night, we walked down the hill in hopes of salvaging a uneventful Wednesday night and returned home with no avail. We made the most of our time and I busted out the ‘ol nintendo from the garage with a couple vintage cartridges. It’s been quite a while since I fiddled with that little grey box of joy, I forgot what a laborious fuckin task it is to get that sonofabitch workin, and Ruff’s limited expertise were’nt makin things much easier. Hoppin on mushrooms made it all worth the while.

Other than that, I’ve been kickin it with The Marauders for some days and some eves. Ridin shotty to some late night fly rides in this beaut right here, but thats jus until my car gets out the shop, oh did I mention I’m drivin now? Permit status bia. Anyway me and the boys could have been seen hoppin around on the 5-story, makin a ruckus, hittin people with cars ( 6.9 mb video ) and what not. But mostly jus jumpin and posin. Than we have Joe, our fearless driver, notice his cholarraised for heightened douschness and even Ian is in agreeance on that one…Stick to what you know Joe, advanced car audio repair, and watch out for hungry trunks and people highly prone to picking other people up.

We had ourselves a little jam session as well, and I met Matty, pretty G for a bitch. I took this hella artsy pic of Ian looking like he’s about seven feet tall. Shortly after Ian returned the favor and took this equally artistic shot of me makin a fishy guitar face. Lotta soulful acoustic stuff, Ian hit his pad while Joe cuddled in the other room oblivious to hidden cameras. G’times I say!

So this is the new layout, dropped ahead of schedule right in time for the first day of summer eh? Don’t worry if it loads slow or some shit doesn’t look quite right, it still has a lotta kinks/bugs that I am in the process of working out, like the text link colors on every other page except for this one need to be fixed. Other than that though…pretty much all the content pages are up, and I updated a lot of em too, so go through and check out every page using the drop down menu. Especially the Videos Section and Reviews Section Keep checking back for updates though, and leave a comment and tell me what you think so far.

Name that Oldass Game
The GoodYear Blimp Crashed
Ghetto Ass A.C.
Korean Children’s Drawings
Monster Potatoe Gun
altoids mp3 player

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