Eatin, Peein, and Sleepin
Holy cow my apetite is ferocious! I’d spoon the hair off your back if I can’t mooch bita sammich offa somebody, seems like it jus started this week, but good fuck am I hungry. Maybe it’s the thug life I’m livin, maybe it’s the lifting, maybe I jus gotta fuel my belly engine. I eat off of a pretty diverse menu, takes me about two days to polish offa box of mini wheats, I eat like 90 carrots a day, and I eat big hunks of chicken before I lift, which in case you didn’t know, is the poorman’s protein shake. I drink a lotta wooter and milk and I pee it out very fast, like speed racer fast. Lifting is goin good though, I’m on the board for puttin 225 over my chest, and I was reppin 205 today, tommorow? Who knows, I may soon need a bra for these meaty man titties.
So I got picked to be in one of those paid surveys tommorow, this one is on video games, and they’re payin me a hunderd bones. Anyone that has been to my house knows the only video game console I got is the ol NES…and that’s in the garage…and my Mario cartridge got run over. All the while on the phone there askin me, “you have this game? do you like it? what about this one?” I’m suprised bullshit didn’t seep through his phone while I was sayin all of it, I’m glad it dint though cause I passed the test and dem bones are as good as mine. Only neg is its in the city, round 5 oclock, for almost two and a half hours, but hey thats still like…300 dollars an hour? I’m not really a math guy.
Speaking of math:
Jeff struck again in maff class when he whipped this beaut out for me, said it only took em 2 periods to perfect, sure is pretty.
Yeh so I forgot to mention my run around Lake Merced last weekend, and I also forgot to talk about my wonderful morning breakfast with my wonderful gramma, and you think I’m gonna talk about it, you got another thing comin…jerk.
Something/someone I will talk about is Jordan Freeda, I don’t know anyone who has broken shit as much as him. His latest break is in his arm, a compound fracture, busted in two places, needing two metal plates, anyway I was wrong, I don’t wanna talk about it anymore, but you do hafta watch this documentary he made about the experience.
K last thing:
And you can make your own stupid grilled cheese sammich face by clicking here
– Worlds Smallest Website
– Celebrity Lookalikes
– Realtime Global Population Counter
– Funny Foxes
– Great Headline
– Paparazzi Punchout
– Half Asian / Half Gerbil
– Lohan got jacked!
The Days
The Monday:
Cold today, cold yesterday, even colder tommorrow. Seems like no one was at school today, I wish I was no one :P. Anyway, I did go today, and ya know what? J-Boy did too! No one has seen this kid for days and days, and today I was thankful to see his gleaming yellow head. Did I mention he’s my biggest fan? Cause he is, I check the stats, if NBHQ were a house, he’d have a little doggy bed setup outside, John was a dog, he’d hump NBHQ’s leg, but hey, for all I know he doe’s anyhow. So lunch rolls around like Rosie O’donnel and I saunter on into my maff class, test day by the way, and this sub, who I sware to god looked EXACTLY like father time squalled out that an earthquake drill was taking place and that we all needed to find shelter under our desks! Now believe you me, this man took his drills quite seriously ever since the ol quake of ’89 which rattled the hair right off the bastard’s head, so while I played twister with myself trying to fit all my inches under the these pint size desks the guy’s barkin at me. Whatever man, as I told Julia (left)I’m jus not earthquake safe.
So Matty’s parents jus traded in there lexus…for a…new…lexus. This new ones gotta lexusload of tricks and gadgets not fit for my mind, dashboard mounted GPS, 6-disc in dash CD-changer, 16 gajillion watt stereo, heated/cooled leather seats, and the finale you ask? How bout a fuckin camera mounted right above the lisence plate, so when he backs up, you see whats goin on behind you without lookin in yer mirrors, so of course we had to take a pic of me tryin to put my mouth around it
So we drove that cloud over to Kairon’s pad where I laughed at his calendar, while I ingested the fuckin AMAZING flied lice he whipped up for me, Matt was content with his percimin, anyway I took one more look at the funny shit Kai had layin around his kitchen, and than we departed. Thats that, im goin to bed, post tommorow fo sizzler, sorry no “Morestuff” tonight.
Global Fruitball, Big Sodas, Scary Chainsaw Movies, and Ping Pong
My boy Jeff made this for me in math class, kids pretty handy with writing utensils:
Fruitball, the badass game that started a revolution, finally, the gap between produce and athletics was filled! A new sport, for the people, by the people, using the people’s fruit! Well it’s gettin big now baby, rearry big. We are now featured on Alldumb, Jaggle, and TTR2 which are all pretty bigass sites. See?. So basically we got like 150 thousand more hits overnight, and I’m predicting more. Wowee!
Headed over to Eberts house last night for a little late night pong ping with the fellas. Well that shit was shortlived, Mattyboy went chasin after some female tail shortly after my arrival, and that was that. Took the remainin fellas back to my place, sipped on dis, watched the old version of Texas Chainsaw, and than they passed out. Thats that.
– Another cool MySpace
– Racing Limos
– A Cereal Resturaunt
– Balloons are dangerous
– Maroon 5 Sucks
– Aliens invading M&M’s
– Trippy Shit
– How to make a crappy website
– Bad Lohan Photo
Mornings with Maury
Stayed home again today, I really didn’t need to, I think my mom wanted to sleep more than me, whatever im not complainin. I called my dad up round noon, told em it was a snow day and school was closed. He bought it, and we headed to the recording studio my pops rents out. Good times, some homeless dude yelled at us from across the street, said my “boots needed to be filled right away,” I thanked him for the kind reminder and headed in. The coolest thing about the studio is that we get to use all the other people’s stuff without them knowing, so I was killin shit on my dads telecaster and some dudes fatty marshall, and hell yeh I played Voodoo chile on the wah wah.
Well I came through on some of the site upgrades I promised all ya’ll jive turkeys, click here for the brand spankin new guestbook and click here to sign it. Also I added a buncha new tracks to the Radio tracks like all six from the Linkin Park / Jay-Z record, among other things. Well I hope you find this random creation by Nick M. to be to your liking:

Random topic: Does anyone know of a website, or local vendor that pumps out custom bumper sticker / t-shirts? Like if I make the design, they poop it out onna shirt? That’d be great if you do, comment if you do, comment if you don’t.
– Buy my old monitor
– Pimp my Pixel
– Clothes for butterfaces
– Remember that tape ball I told you about?
– Google Image Search for Cahill