Denny’s Crew Resurrected
8:30 A.M. on Wednesday morning, May 11th 2005, while most little boys and girls across the country are dilligently working in there sweaty little classrooms, and suprisingly temperate portables, I was jus starting to part ways with my wonderful slumber. It takes me about two and a half rolls to get completely out of my double sized bed, and as my toes graze the shit-colored carpet I find out no one I know got killed in South Central, L.A., and shit man, I prolly wouldn’t even have to use my A.K…Today is a good day.
I guess I forgot to mention the reason why we got to mosey into school at 10:00 was due to our teachers and PTA ( the same PTA that supplied every classroom with shitty ass air muffins during STAR testing ) protesting the Governator’s proposal to cut sommore dead prez’s outta the budget for education. Needless to say, the student body was outraged, and myself along with my peers were no exception and felt that the only way we could civilly deal with the matter was to formally congregate over several plates of “Moons over my Hammy” at our our buddy “Denny’s” house.
Went to the Ninja’s house first, stared at his doors ( which are LOVELY by the way ) while he got his numchucks and katanas..Finally, he emerged brandishing his, camouflage-yellow ninja vest and traditional ninja-star satchel. After all weapons were accounted for, we went off to go meet up with Denny and the boys. We found Dallas and JoeJoe meticulously reviewing everything Denny-boy had to offer, Curran starred into space in a most profound manner while I immediately zoned in on the best effing dish at Denny’s. Leisurely and efficiently we consumed fluffly, buttermily pancake after pancake and we think Curran might have even had his way with one of em. And jus as fast JoeJoe inhaled his bacon we were outro, schoolbound, and late as fuck to class, Dennys-Style Bee-hatch.
Come to think of it– I still had my camera at school, and come to think about it even more, I remember snappin some! Fancy that. Here stands Leibs, my main meng, who’s kindness and grace is only exceeded by his freakish intellect. His Intelligence Quotient speaks for itself: 8,000. For god sakes, look at the ridiculously artistic photographs he takes of something as everyday as hot cheetos!. I know everyone knows my Fijian friend Leonard , Lenny, Fiji fuck, whatever, well I made this for his myspace. By the way, fuck MySpace and fuck YourSpace. And with that, I leave you with Mario, and a very special kung fu hump.
Peep this badass NBHQ dedication my number one fan drew on his folder, John Ferrel is the man. And Alisha sent this one in and theres like 30 or 7 more here.
Warning : This post is almost over and I still have a bunch of irrelevant pics I need to share so I shall do my best, here goes : Elephants makin the whoopee. Kitty in a shoe. Scary ass shit, and I hate poo.
Notice how the news is kinda…stickin out of the lines makin everything look borderline fucked up? This is because I upgraded the script to the newest version, fixes a lotta bugs and vulnerabilities makin NBHQ.NET way more secure than yesterday and jus as secure as tommorow! I will tweak it more so everything looks nice and less along the borderline of fucked up. And I’m runnin Bay to Breakers on Sunday, I plan on finishing before all of the Kenyans, so…wish me luck.
– Genius Company Name
– I’d prolly step on these by mistake
– Hella addicting game
– some other dude named cahill
– some other dude named brady wtf?!
Gettin A Lot Off My Chest
Wow, it would appear the teachers have me and the rest of my classmates (of the same gender) by the balls as of late. I’ve never had so much ba-dunka-dunk junk to do in sucha cramped amount of time, and believe me, I got the cramps. Why they gotta cram me with this jibba? Why do they find it so utterly neccesary to cramp my style? Surely they know I have half-dozens of loyal and deserving fans that NEED to be informed jus HOW LONG my nap sessions are and jus HOW tight my educators are applying the vice grips to my testiculars…But uh, I’m hopin once I get past this “fart gust” of homework and “ass tsunami” of projects than it’ll be clearr sailing down shit creek. Also, please be informed that I absolutely LOATHE feces and positively DETEST mayonaise…That is all…Oh and I also tend to dot dot dot when I plan on filling space and bulkin up the word count so it looks like I’m writing more about cool stuff that really isn’t happening because I need a god damn poop-tube to stay afloat in this piss pool of school..fool. Wasnt that cool?
Your wondering why Sideshow Bob is shown in the top left in the conventional benchpressing position eh? So ya know how I have weight lifting as a class 4th period? Well now ya do. I’ve been hittin up that bench pretty hard lately, (among other things) started out the year strugglin with 185 lbs and now, 65 pounds and 3 G’s worth of anabolic steroids later you’ll find my name on the Aragon Bench Board for 2 5 0 pounds baby…It’d be nice to hit at least 275 by the end of the year and at least 300 before I graduate from this place. Now if I can only get to liftin dem grades eh?
Speakin of good time kick ass matters, I went to Celia’s, a fine-by-me Mexican resturaunt that meets all of my Mexican needs and than saturates them in the yummy yummy expand my tummy fried ice cream. My reaction? Wow. I thank the scientist community of the world for applying themselves for generations and unlocking the secrets on how to fuckin DEEP FRY ice cream…I feel sorry for the poor saps who might have lived their whole lives without being exposed to the technological advancements that those fortunate enough to be living today, can spoon down our lucky little gullets. God bless you Celias…Yo quiero tu.
Went downtown with somma my boys the other night, yeh Matty Ebert drove, and yeh we had pizza, and you better fuckin believe it was Pizza My Heart. No I didn’t bring my camera, but Allah as my witness I will next time cause you can bet your mommas southern can there were some powerful photo ops that the press woulda loved to get their grubby little hands on. Like maybe a movie of Eebs studdering and stammering than bursting into uncontrollable laughter, or maybe a still shot of Pinky flipping off a officer of the LAW, or the infamous shot of like fourteen naked girls makin out. You love it.
I went to longs and had about 75 pics developed that I had takin with my digital camera, which is pretty fuckin high on the kickass meter. I highly recommend that if you have takin, or been a part incredibly cool photographs, that you have them printed out, costs .29 cents per 4×6 and they are .19 cents if you buy more than 25, and 75 is more than 25 and 75 is 50 more than 25 therefore they are unequal. So what I got out the experience was, a loss of twenty three dollars and fourty nine cents, and not one but two bulletin boards fulla insanely badass shots of my lovers and friends. Rasta!
– Supersuit?
– Largest Humans Ever
– aqua teen carl soundboard
– pedros house from napoleon dynamite
– Make Your Own Boyband
– Free Ass Paste
– World Jump Day
– No Armed Swimmer
– My Friend Todd Morrison
Yo Quiero Mexico Ese! – Beach Mishaps – & More
I’ve been meaning to share my opinion on Mexico for some time now, you guessed it you little brats…todays the day. First second and thirdly for all…Mexico is the shit. Period. No, I’ve never been there, nor have I studied the countries history in dept, but yes I have eaten more burritos, enchiladas, tamales, and quesadillas than I can count in Spanish. Every Mexican fella and chica I’ve ever met have been good people, and wont someone PLEASE think of the tamales? So effing bueno.. Oh and Horchatas? Don’t even get me started on dem; creamy cinnamini nectar of the gods! Holy smokes! And the marioches? Latin tunes? It really doesn’t get that much better, I mean sure we got some funky shit in thats in our own native tongue but we don’t have Eddie, the salsa freak. All that said, let it be forever known that I endorse Mexico…pinches.
This would be the first post I’ve made since returning to school since our spring break days, and boy howdy, it was definately super dooper seein everyone schlappin hands with my bloods and mah crips. Now some argue that our fellow Aragonians (schoolmates) aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, I myself, I got love for everyone at our school, and even some from your school too, there is plenty to do in San Mateo, California and dontcha ferget it. Please excuse / disreguard that ramble.
Last Sunday was supposed to be a big beach get together in Pinky’s hometown of Pacifica, suppose to see a fair amount of lads and lades show, supposed to be a nice time round the fire with some S’mores cookin on sticks and what not..What we arrived with was a backseat full of ladies chompin at the bit to chew on some delicious graham-chocolate-mallow goodness, one crazy ass kelly, a miho, and charizard. The beach was cold, made my nose runn fast, made me run and hide in the car, made me laugh when Natalie dug hole tryin to start a fire on a coldass beach. However, a note, for future reference, raw S’mores aint too dang shabby, and Note #2: Natalie sucks at fire starting, and Eeb’s has people skills. Thats all I have to say about that. Oh and Emily fuggin ripped my chin off cause she was really pissed.
As I post this today, Thursday the seventh day of April the two thousand fifth year, let it be known that it was a little bit of a no good very bad piece of shit day. It started with the aching of a skull, continued with the unknown exposure of the fly, and onto jacking on my lunch and ALL the way to fiff period when I got no less than SIX days of em effing detention. Before I go on, I must give a prelude to this re-god-damn-diculousness…I gots the weight lifting class 4th period right? Before lunch it is, and ya’ll know I be pushin mad iron over my head and offa my chest so proper hydration is essential in sustaining an optimal workout knaw mean? So everyday I come equipped to schoo with my gallon jug of wah wah and gate-rade and down dat shiot like it’s foliage to Grant. Needless to say I gotta empty my piss gun every so often so I don’t drown in my own bodidly secretions, so I gotta badger my teaches to go to the jon. I ask my fiff period meng to go pretty much on the norm, he usually grants such a request but I guess he left his midol back in the Miata and left me denied and ridden with the dreaded pee shivers. Anyway, my testicular fortitude took over and I strolled outta class whether the raggin teacher liked it or not, it was either that or an afterschool trip to the mall to buy new pants…I come back in and bang bitch…6 days of detentions? I ask you, now…my peoples…comment on this one, should I serve these sons-a-bitches?
I haven’t quite gottan ALL of the content back up yet but I got some of the important shit up; AIM icons are up, heck, I even got some new ones up. The April Fools MySpace page can be accessed and two more brilliant motion pictures in the Videos section. 1. Storytime with Shrek ( 6.8 mb ) and 2. Pooping Joe ( 1.9 MB )
Hey? Six Days and Seven Nights Anyone? Cmere 😉
– Nazi Action Figures
– Game / 50 Cent Interview
– Crazy good blind guitarist
– Haunted Stich doll (Submitted by Travis)
– Pimp My Coffin
A Noche Con Mi Homies
Spring bah-reakkk babyyy, a time for relaxation, a time for lustful fixations, and a time for CELEBRATION BITCHES! Better believe I brought the NBHQ Cam to school on Friday, Tony must have been tipped off or something cause he came to first period rockin that badass Chevy’s hat…We too thisthis really cool pic too, and if that doesn’t cure your erecticle dysfunction nothing will..cept maybe this…, which would be the nasty ass sinks that our science class which also act as a convienant trash receptacle. Alex is the only kid I know that can sleep standing up, while making that rediculous bird face. As usual, third period Electronics was the shit, had a pot luck of ginormic proportions, Matt did the truffle shuffle (1.7 mb), and got thumbs up from Tyler and my number one fan John, but not long after the rasing of the thumbs, my fan numero uno and Tyler went back to their supercool sword catalogue, try not to chop off a thumb guys ! (good one) Fast ass forwarding to the joyful trot from my last class to clear out my locker for the break I was fortunate enough to witness the ritualistic pre-spring break wall rub, but than they saw me so I was obligated to join in , sadly it didn’t last long and the entranced ladies dispersed and Emily stuck it to me. I’m thankful that I lived to tell about it and be a part of sucha cool photo. Check out all the photos from school by clicking here.
Night fell, the moon went up, liquid remover of my inhibitions slowly foamed out of my cup, and man oh man how the evening was great, how it was loud, how the one smile turned into a crowd, and the head in window turned out to be friendly, it turned out to be smug, the four lips combined followed the curve while they both cut up the rug. I mean…these sons a bitches came to my place of residence, so did this guy, and this one oh and don’t forget the ninja. Brett schmoked about twenty-seven black n milds and even got momma Brady hooked…shit man Brett man was all up on my momma, that made both Kairon and me put on our scared faces. But if you think about it..Brett man was all up on Tina too…soo…anyone like emo’d out pictures? How bout pictures that turn from dark to light fast enough to trigger your dormant case of epilepsy? Hey, brett blew chunks, embarassed yet fufilled Chunks left shortly after, (if you don’t get that joke check you are deserving of a kick to the colon). Heres the video of Brett yaking – Here ( 2.7 MB ). Needless to say he passed the fuck out
and spent the night on my couch and I bet he smoked about fourteen more black n milds in his sleep. That was that. Oh and doesn’t it look like Kai is playin the air keyboard here?. Check out all the good times that were had by clicking here.
Check out the badass drawing that big trav spent like two weeks on. And YES that is supposed to me on the floor passed out with an “NBHQ” shirt and Kai behind the fishtank. Oddly enough you can spot both the Virgin Mary and Hay-zoos himself painted and framed on the wall, which is supposed to be the “irony in the piece,” Trav the sav.
One more day till the 17-year old Eebs and I depart for Cal Poly and Santa Barbara so we can thourougly “review some campuses” and what not. But in that day prior I give ya my word I will do my more than least to try to get the majority of the content uploaded so the 404 guy can get his come uppins! Hey do me a fave? Sign the book
– Pimp my tank!
– So cops cant get your plate number
– Sideways Room
– picture of the infamous fingertip in the wendys chili
– how to tell a kid his parents died
– Roids anyone?