Category: Parties

Gorgeous Weekends

pinky Pinky. My bueno amigo jus had his diece-siete over at the very luxorious comfor inn! And hey! At 81 dollars a night it better be right? Hella heads attended, our friend Jose C. showed up with his amigos Coron & Pacific. Twas a badass hotel room let me tell ya…hot red lights in the bathroom plus large amounts of marijuana equals girls too fucked up to get themselves out of the tub. I think I look a lot like a vampirein that pic and Pinky looks a tad crazy. As for this one it kinda appears as if my girl is a little nervous that the person holding her up might hit the deck any minute. in this pic I am reminded of big bird from sesame street, jus because. So anyway, it was a crackin night, I imitated Pinky, I noted the striking physical, and social similarities between these twins and oh yes they are fucking twins even though they “supposedly” say that they were born eleven months apart, thats horseshit. Joe-sef looked all washed up and ever so trashed. The same could be said for Caitlin who was showin off her own greenish complexion after her deep conversation with Jose C. As for me, I spent a lot of time on the bed with that hot girlfriend of mine. Hellova bed too, the bloodstained matress, the crispy sheets, and the bullet holes in the bed frame. Hell of a time, jus wait till your 18th Pinkster.

So other than attending supreme hotel parties I have been keepin busy with a plethora of michevious late night activities. Going to local shows with Joe-sef and the cigarette smoking Natalie. Or whether it be spotting Fahaad & the guy they call “Taco” while we are on the hunt for gang wars downtown. Maybe I enjoy takin photos of Joe sportin a face like he smells some piss. Than there was the time when we trashed Nat’s car. Most recently, we celebrated Poptart’s birfday at TGIF Fridays where he thorougly enjoyed the plush gift I gave him, him and his dirty ass crizzotch. From what I could tell, I think J-boy was havin a hellova time and aint that jus right.

War of the worlds in 30 seconds
Crazy sidewalk art
Huge buildings
Mondo burger
Remember these toys?!

A Candle Lit Goodbye & A Lighter Note

A long day of painful mourning and grieving ended with a tranquil candle lit ceremony at the local safeway where Nick worked. The atmosphere felt upbeat and laughter resounded througout the crowded parking lot rather than the shedding of tears. There were smiles and smirks and pre-sneeze shots. I’m sure the Baron family appreciated the support from the immense crowd, each holding a candle in remembrance of our friend Nick. It’s inspiring to see the compassion displayed by those we love and care about in this time of grief and sorrow. It’s incredible witnessing the vast sea of supporters, unified by our burning lights, raised, guiding lights for our brother, Nicholas Anthony Barron.

Well as a bunch of you already found out, I had a little get together the other day, I have yet to post about the good times because the days following the festivities were plagued with “less the good times” and I felt it would be inapropiate to speak of during these hard times. Not to say that there are no more hard times ahead because of this tragic event that conspired, but I feel that it’s neccesary to restore a sense of normalcy within my viewers; anyway without any further adieu, ( and big words ) I post about my pawty:

Like a true boss, Cahill was the first to show, takin me for a insane little trip in daddies turbo charged Jetta, up and over the humps at speeds that would make your jowls flap. So, he was deserving of unveiling the monsterous 3-foot long sammiches. Than this ‘G’ comes rapping at my chamber door, rockin his pink lady robe and black and mild hangin from his pursed lips…Fantastic! I guess after that people jus kinda multiplied and began consumption process playin video games with hella crazy graphics, and makin me plates which is cool cause a cracka needa eat. So before you could say “Nick-or-ette,” there was already a schmokin section assembled in the patio, and yes I do enjoy saying “patio.” Brett got comfy with my poodle, JoJo sulked over his broken black and mild while dawkness schmoked his black and black. Ruff enjoyed sniffin a whiff of my dirty pillows and Kai got all up in it. Meanwhile, Pinky was nowhere to be found, a search led us outside where we found him, crouched beside a garage talkin all 6’s and 7’s to a gal pal I’m sure. Weird kid. But as I expected, it was damn crackin, the couch was packed and the love was flowin We then sucked it in and put on our scandilous bikinis and hopped in the wah wah. The chickenfights, the power struggles, the poolside posing twas good times. Brett was made bitch by all, including himself, Ally and Reise’s pieces got hella frisky, Randy musta slept through that. Anyway, a song was sang, candles were blown, and amidst all the hub-bub I raised my arms in excitement only to have both wrists sliced off from the ceiling fan. E+A made my cake look pretty darn disgustering , and so and this looks like a scene out of a german shizzer video, or maybe I’m thinking of something else. Sucked to see everyone leave, but at least we got some fantabulous shots out of it, and this one where i’m looking away, this one of jus the honeys, this more than flattering pic of Meg, the guys and of course, me and the super swimsuit model. The sandwich was good while it lasted.

that guy from full house has a livejournal
Smart Inmante
jack white punks some lil bee-hatch-hatch
A funny video that wont make you barf yourself

What’s Your Poison?

Another warm night, another chill hotmale with a tremendous abode and a sweet lil boat dock thing that would put this guyto shame. Twas cool to be at a lil fiesta with a buncha faces that I am not fortunate enough to see on a more frequent basis, take for isntance, this cool cat, after being blessed with his present for one warm, moonlit eve, I can only hope to be in his company again. Then we have this young lady right here, the self-proclaimed “girl version of me” brandishing her very own camera, and yes, it is the better, newer model of my own photo-taking device. It really was a trip havin someone else flashin away at all the prime subjects, jus look at this 3-way photo-taking action, it’s re-god-damn-diculous! It sure was “steamy” outside, must have been from all the fine and spicy footwear. Meg girl was in attendance, as well as DJ Em and Ash’ms, the usual suspects. This seemingly innocent face was connected to the neck and body that made Jared, ( our fearless host ) poke his’self in they face, I’ll admit, it was hard to watch. I don’t think Ari really knew what was goin on, same with this guy. Word to the wise, Jared is an ace when it comes to makin O.J but such an arduous task requires the utmost skill and meticulousness stirring techniques, sadly, not everyone is able to wait for the creation of Jared’s citrus-ee concotion and resort to binging on dairy products on the kitchen floor. Tsk tsk tsk. Was a fun night indeed, thanks again J-boy, you have a lovely home and boat dock :P.

Randy springs me a ring on my mobile as I’m leavin the motion picture house with my lovely ladyfriend announcing his occupany of my home and absolute refusal to depart. Naturally I am enthused to see my boy Randy and his amigo, and my new buddy, Felipe. My excitement only increased after I learned that both boys were to be spending the night! And my mom said we could stay up and watch Parent Trap, and “Stepmom” as many times as our short little attention spans could take it! I’m kidding. After droppin fitty bills at Safeway, ( yes I mean fifty dollars, five of which were jus for the 30 or 7 limes Randall picked out ) we were up till 2:00 in the mornin cookin up some carne, mexican style. Felipe, manning the skillet, Randy wildy wielding the knife, and me, microwaving the beans. Nuked the muthas.

I am still workin on that new layout I promised, no idea when I’m gonna drop it on you guys, these summer days are reason for praise, chaisin the rays while I fall into this abyss of malaise and what not. I’m goin to the Scribble Jam Tour on Saturday with Caitlyn, Pinky’s girl to see Mr. Dibbs, Blueprint, and Glue it should be kick ass ok? Keep that shit wild style.

Job Predictor – I got heavyweight boxer
Guess the Google Game
The catfish that ate a bball
Scariest Canadian Ever
Wanna eat here?

How NOT To Pick Up Girls…

I’m sure you all remember Natalie right? The one who was sportin a sling for her busted clavicle not so many days ago? My driving instructor? Oh and did I mention her clavicle (choler bone)?! And I’m sure you are all aware my brutish tendency to hug and pick up anyone and anything I can…Well, on Friday I felt the need for Natalie to experience one of my “pick-ups” so I went to hoist Miss Natalie up with the quickness, over my head, arms fully extended, keep in mind that’s gotta be like 7 feet up ya know? With that very same quickness, gravity immediately took the upper hand, and Miss Natalie came back down, 7 feet down without puttin her arms out or anything, jus one…nasty…fall, onto cement. She wasn’t gettin up, piss damn near trickled down my pantaloons while I’m thinkin to myself “wow…what the F jus happend.”

I guess I forgot to mention Ally, Julia, and Emily were all there…witnesses to my heinous act; 911 dialers. We heard the sirens of the Ambulance and FIRE ENGINE before they had even gotten close, by that time I was trippin pretty hard, and poor Natalie is on the cold hardass ground hopin her damn shoulder doesn’t fall off or somethin. As you can see in the photo on the top left, there were a bunch of EMT peeps to strap Nat into her stretcher and into the ambulance off to the hospital. I talked to her when she got back home from the hospital and she said that since her choler bone had never fully healed in the first place, it jus got more…broken. :P. So I guess that was probably the craziest thing I’ve been an accomplace to all year.

I guess there is much to be learned, if I was Jerry Springer, and I had final thoughts they would be as follows:

1. Power lifting is something that is to be practiced within the confines of a designated weight room or gymnasium2. Gentle landings are essential in well executed “pick-ups”

3. What I did was NOT how you should pick up girls…

Onto to far more upbeat matters, both myself and my lesbianish haircut were in attendance at this years “All City” dance and not to sound “overly-hip” or anything but I found the event to be somewhat “off da hook.” I can’t thank these wonderful ladies enough “scrunching” my hair and givin me a ride to the dance in a sweet convertible BMW. And hey look! We even posed for my momma ( happy mothers day by the way ) The quality of picture taking seemed to go downhill after our pose de mi mama and things were starting to get sour. Soon enough, the same things sweetened up again after Meg and Ashley’s duette / triette with Kelly Clarkson ( 7.9 MB ), I highly suggest downloading that. It was the first time I had brought my camera to a dance but it wasn’t the first time I’d forgot to take pictures :P. I snapped a few with the boys and one with jus Lenny. And one of Julia lookin mighty fine. Bada Bing.

Yeh I know the party at Megs was more than a week ago, but I feel that you deserve to know how kickass it truly twas. I share the kickness with you now:
Arrived with Ash’ms
and quickly met up with some of my main mengs, caught a glimpse of my sleeping twin and his ass woke up for me and we posed, and posed the night away. Girls, Girls, different girls, hugging girls, my girl, humping girls, super tall girl?. Heres an unnecessarily small beeramid composed of completely light brews that was soon knocked the FUCK over by my clumsy twin. Heres a crew shot with me and my AZN boys and another with my other buddies and one more two chinned delight one to grow on. Why heck! There were crew shots galore at Meg’s that night, I was lucky to partake in some while I was lucky to not expose myself in others( pooooorr Sheila hah ) When Doug showed up he was immediately engulfed in a sea of hugs but swam out of it and had time for a quick shot with the ol boy. Thats not me, thats not a beer bong it is merely apple cider being served in tubing apparatus…I’m serious. That’s me and my 2nd biggest fan ( 1rst is John Ferrel ) and here is a video of why this man is my 2nd biggest fan ( 7.5 MB ). ( Warning : Kind of annoying ) Heres the obligatory shot of John and Jill acting like they’ve been goin out for 5 months or something…:P And of course, no night is complete without me tryin to rub some tit on somebody and no night is completely kick ass unless Meg herself is involved 🙂

So I guess you guys noticed that the site was suspended for a week eh? :/ Well I guess you could say it was partly my fault for being naive and CHMOD’ing way too many folders with way too many permissions. Basically the site was suspended cause someone exploited one of the CGI scripts on the server and spammed / mailbombed the bajeebus outta people using my SMTP server so I had to deal with the reprocussions of some jerkoff kid. Anyway, Many thanks to Shivin Hameed, Rob G, and Ren from my host for helping me get the matter resolved. But that’s really all I have to say about that, remember kids, CGI scripts aren’t for everybody and can be very dangerous at times.

Congratulations to my bro Pinky for gettin off Probation, tell Stephan R to keep that shit wild style, and I’ll smile, and yo check the floor, gods got nice tiles ;).


I believe you have my stapler?
A town called “Fucking”
8500 Calorie Manwich
Lotsa Tongues
Big fuckin dogs
Celeb Lookalikes
Pac-Man in real life?
My Car’s Soundsystem

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