Fruit Loops & Apple Jizzacks
Jeez luiz, its been entirely loo tong since I’ve smacked your face with a fresh new post. Unfortunately your face will remain smackless this eve, because I have yet to have a working computer at my disposal, so I post this from Ruff’s dual – floppy Tandy its doable, this whole monochrome thing takes some getting used to, and I’m getting a little sick of this text based solitaire game :P. Anyway, when my computer is deemed safe to take home from the hospital than and only than can you expect to see a surge of photographical evidence of my still being alive and busy. I already got about 40 megs wortha pics so you better be sure to not fill up on bread beforehand.
Remember how I had mentioned a new layout? And remember how I showed you a glimpse of it, well I decided to scrap that whole idea. So forget that, im gonna start fresh and go in a whole new direction. You gotta admit though, the whole faces in the circles was pretty badass eh? eh??? But some whole new ideas came to me, think horizontal, think bitchin, think NBHQ 😀 So if the thing turns out how I see it than it should be the most kickass layout yet. Stay tuned kids, things can only get better from here.

Oh man…you and your witty comments. I want you now. MMMmmm that feels nice….
Oh man…you and your witty comments. I want you now. MMMmmm that feels nice….
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