Mornings with Maury
Stayed home again today, I really didn’t need to, I think my mom wanted to sleep more than me, whatever im not complainin. I called my dad up round noon, told em it was a snow day and school was closed. He bought it, and we headed to the recording studio my pops rents out. Good times, some homeless dude yelled at us from across the street, said my “boots needed to be filled right away,” I thanked him for the kind reminder and headed in. The coolest thing about the studio is that we get to use all the other people’s stuff without them knowing, so I was killin shit on my dads telecaster and some dudes fatty marshall, and hell yeh I played Voodoo chile on the wah wah.
Well I came through on some of the site upgrades I promised all ya’ll jive turkeys, click here for the brand spankin new guestbook and click here to sign it. Also I added a buncha new tracks to the Radio tracks like all six from the Linkin Park / Jay-Z record, among other things. Well I hope you find this random creation by Nick M. to be to your liking:

Random topic: Does anyone know of a website, or local vendor that pumps out custom bumper sticker / t-shirts? Like if I make the design, they poop it out onna shirt? That’d be great if you do, comment if you do, comment if you don’t.
– Buy my old monitor
– Pimp my Pixel
– Clothes for butterfaces
– Remember that tape ball I told you about?
– Google Image Search for Cahill
You can try this site for your stuff: Check it out!
Yeh im using cafepress, shits expensive though, and kinda hassle when you really wanna customize it.
Shieghtagnfauuggzitein = good watermelon in greman