Damn It Feels Good to be a Don
Ian and myself lost our voices screaming at the Aragon/Hillsdale quad in which our good ol Dons shat on the Knights in a 4-0 sweep. We brought the E+A along, but only after we waited for them to assemble, prepare, blowdry, and pose. So when we got their and found seats where we were packed like sardines, but it was tolerable cause we were in close proximinity with the coolest twins ever. It was a hellova game good enough to almost take up nailbiting, not quite though. E+A, try as they might they couldn’t keep my eyes from the court, see?.
Shit-on-Hillsdale and have a good time night continued with my first visit to Condon’s House. I dug. First of all, I came, I saw, I Pimped, jus to show the other dogs who humps the legs of bitches. I learned things that night,
1. Charles has a kidney of steel and a is pretty much immune to intoxication, and he could prolly kick my ass through a wall even if he ever was drunk.
2.Sasha is Vodka’s sissy bitch. She turns into Emily Rose after her shots. Compare.
3. This girl is fucking crazy. CRAZY
4. NPC can’t handle more than one girl.
I forgot to mention anything of last weeks dinner with E+A+I that turned into a wet tee contest that I would have won if I was in it. I got picked up like a big fuckin fish. And I got cloned, twice.
I’m takin a day off school tommorow and goin to the beach. Expect more killer pics and a post made of pure balls.
P.S. I upgraded the Photo Gallery, it needs a lot of tweaking graphically, but it seems way faster to me, lemme know what you think.
– Mullets Everywhere
– Simpsons Soundboard
– Hella Fabulous
– Useless Facts
May I start this post by informing you all that I type this on my brand new box, put together with my bare hands. So last weekend was spent with the boys: J-Boy and I-guy up at Russian River. We spent our time driving my momma into a tizzy gettin thizzy and sippin on that potent oil. Brandy was our poison of choice and we did what damage we could to our brain cells and kidneys lickety split, Joesef on the other hand showed his true womanly colors and coughed up his first swigthrough his nose, but hey, what do u expect.
In the evenings we spent a lotta time shredding about 4 years worth of newspapers and lighting them on fire, People Magazine was spared.
Illicit tasks were carried out in the yard, tasks I am far to chaste to partake in myself were carried out reguardless, with the aid of some hot tunes no less. I love that song.
I tried to look like death in this picture, I’d said I succeeded, Ian fails, and once again, Joe is a —-.
So it’s cool to be on a bed with and a man and lay, even my poppa says that okay, but girls are better play, and Joe is a bitch if I do say.
Hope you enjoyed that stupid rhyme scheme and thats all the talking about Russian River that I can handle.
Last night I was working on this very post when I heard a rapping at my bedroom window, I knew without a second thought that it was Emily & Ashley on the other side…for months I have been the subject of their well executed pranks, everything from chalkings, to car saran wrapping to downright threats. This latest attack however, takes the win, lady pads covered in ketchup lined my walls…the pungent tomatoe-ey aroma was quick to suffocate any and all fresh air out of my walkway not to mention the visual atrocity of feminine hygeine products that have no place on a boys wall. I don’t think I am alone in thinking that had to be the nastiest prank of all time. Thanks beezies.
– Updated TheSpace
– Worlds Fastest Rapper
– 10 Weirdest Places
– NES Songs
– Jack Bauer Facts
Dannys Raping + LaserTag
I haven’t felt this emo in a long fuckin time, thank god for my boys. Rendez vous at five story last night, everybody who’s anybody was there, even Danny who got gangbanged, blinded, and than group raped again by the whole lot of us. He then had Cahill meticulously crafted a duct tape banner on the side of Danny’s vehicle notifying the world of his fondness of the male genitalia.
We went to LaserQuest in Mountain View in our convoy of at least five fine automobiles mashing on 101 bumpin everything from Nikitina to Sinatra, flyin to the moon. Upon our arrival and proceeding at mission control and acquiring my cryptic codename of: Brady I went on to unleash my lasery reckoning upon my unsuspecting brosefs and other small children, needless to say I got second place because I’m boss with a laser.
Aside from engaging in laser massacres and group assisted sexual assault I been chillin with brosef Josef at his pad playin vidya games which I have a genetic predisposition to kick ass at thanks to my momma *Tetris Level 144 Champion 1992*. We also called had Barry call freshman chics and dryjerk in the process. When things ever started to get dull we would trek over to the water tower and Joe would test his balls attemping to climb the damn thing. Savass.
Nat Queen Cole wrote this lil some some for me, I dig.
I have this tall friend named Nick Brady
Whenever we chill, it’s all gravy
He has this great site
And some day he just might
Grow out his brown hair that is wavy
I have this great friend named Nick Brady
A wonderful friendship he’s made with me
He has this cute dog
Who’s nearly as fat as a hog
Although is better off than any dog could be
She’s surrounded by love
Brady gives to all his great hugs
And he’s quite respectful to his mommy
I write this poem for my dear friend Brick
Beacause soon really quick
This senior year will be ending
I’ll miss you a bunch
When we won’t be hanging out at lunch
And I wont see your camera flashing
So lets make sure to keep in touch
And hang out a whole much
And never forget where we came from
This town’s not so bad
And we’ll be pretty sad
But there’s so much in our lives to come
You’re a great friend, Nick Brady
And our times, oh yes, they are gravy
– Funny Cyber Sex Logs
– AFI Interpretation
– Classic Nickolodeon Shows
– Celeb Pot Heads
– Zombies in my Neighborhood
– Ghetto NBHQ.net
All videos (including the drifting sessions) have been moved into the new gallery so old links might not work, click the above link to see all videos.
Expect a better post before Tuesday.
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