Licensed : NB Goes Mobile!

You heard right bitches, your favorite seventeen year old ridin shotty with mommma is on his own tearin up the streets. Consider yourself blessed if you see me rollin down the ElCo with an illegal passenger or five, give me a wave as I shoot past you doin the posted speed limit in my 24-cylinder ’93 celica spittin fire out my tail pipe. First night with my license, Pinky and I met up at top of the world and made out and shit, not a bad first night.
I haven’t taken so many pics lately largely because of the fat fucking tear on my cameras LCD screen so I can’t even see what the fuh I’m doin, and that shit aint copasedic lemme tell ya…Anyway, I manage, snappin some shots of my buddies of little or no gang affiliation; notice the empty thing of nachos in Jumbo’s hand:priceless.
My yearbook assignment was to document the Junior Class, and that I did, heres some female underclassmen and some more like Katie & Dana. Oh and I shaint forgot to include the classic Kelsey Ballard / Danielle Murray tongue2tongue naked makeout session; and heres my chic with Kristin, dunno if they were gonna make out but, it mighta been a possibility.
So Ally is the shit right? Yeh…she is, and so is her thizz face when she’s munching rug…I mean garden salad.
Oh and to Miss Lynn, that one pic of your ass has about a bazillion hits, more than any other photo in the whole gallery, which is more than 2,300 photos, BE MERRY!.
Work goes well, I like sitting at a desk and looking outside and touching big servers and wearing fly ass polo shirts, and workin with this poor sacka shit 3 hours a day 3 times a week, it’s family buidness bitch and it’s good times.
Fuck you Finals. Don’t study, eat these hotlinks instead:
– The Chapelle Theory
– Tom’s New MySpace
– Kevin Federline School I.D.
– Crazy X-Mas Lights
– ************Solar DEATH RAY************
Back With a Bang Bang Bang
Here we are with a brand spankin new layout, its gotta be the millionth one I’ve pinced outta my anus in the 3+ years NBHQ has been around. I do apologize for my prolonged absence, I’ve been workin hard and hardly workin over at Network Artist, poppa’s gotta earn his bread for Kwanzaa gifts right?
The other day I have watched a man pierce both his nipples in 5th period weight lifting class with nothing more than a rubber band, a safety pin, and some extreme testicular fortitude, I will have cell phone photos of that pronto.
I took my woman of seven months to a fancy dinner followed by an informal viewing of March of the Penguins (I would LOVE to hug a damn penguin), kinda shocking how good we are together, than again, sometimes she spills shit in the kitchen…
I also made a little collage to celebrate the new layout, I’m not gonna say im 100% satisfied with it so I jus might jus make me another, but check out this one first and use it for your wallpaper or somethin.

So the new layout isn’t anywhere close to being done, but mosta the links work, so enjoy yourself bitch.
– Horrible Video Game Covers
– Michelle/Ashley Wannabes
– Professional Farters
– For Kairon
Remember When Ashley Made Out W/ Michelle?

Brosef, Josef, and myself politely asked my mother to give us a ride to a beer pong event in the highlands. Upon arrival, we saw The ‘M’ sweet talkin the cockatiel, and The ‘A’ mashin face with Michelle which is cool if your into hot girl on girl action. I’d say Joe and Ian brought their pimp game with ’em, I am not a man,I am dynamite!.
Anyway, back to the tongue twisting of the females which was totally and completely voluntary, as was Elise’s song and dance. As you also might have inferred, both Emily and Ashley had each become seasoned professionals in the sport of beer pong before our very eyes, its a hairy sport indeed, and sometimes people pass out on the sidewalk and end up biting my finger with a reptilian ferocity.
Oh by the way, I have a new favorite pic

– Worlds Fastest Viper
– A sad day indeed
– Eye Condition Chart
– Skorts
Cops & Robbers

Surely, you are acquainted with the host with the most, Mr Fuckin Beck, knowin how to throw the show and have a shitload of goers in attendance. Everyone from Mos Def, the main Marcus, to my newest buddy was there, fuck, J-boy even came with his boy Keg, root beer of course. Nothin like good ol keg juice to get things movin, and movin, and humpin. Hip hop anonymous was outside, spittin with the keg, Pinkylayin the beat, orally of course. Pool was played on the same table women danced upon, how’s that for a good time?
Thizz hour; we circled the surface of billiards, it began with with a face like he smelled some piss, an expression than passed on to Eebs, and finally onto yours truly. By Thizz hour, everyone had just about drowned their livers in sweet, sweet brew juice, causing unprovoked protruding of the tongue, followed by further humping.
So, me, Laus & Pinky were in charge of sifting out the riff-raff and randoms that had slipped in under the radar, kinda hard when theres a fuckload of people. I did what any jolly green giant would do and grabbed the nearest elongated cucumber and came out a-swingin. As enforcing as me and my cucumber might have seemed, my tiny, tiny balls prevented me from sayin a damn thing to this guy, but then again Pinky ate and shit out this guy; we big, we bad.
I made some new fans that night, hell I even scored a pic with this cool chic, and of course, I said hey to my number one fan himself and six foot sixteen twin. Thank you for my time Brendon Beck, thank you.
– ****Jordan’s Comcast Spoof****
– Glow in the Dark Beer
– More Paper Art
– Gutted Xbox 360
– Old Tyson Video
– Asshole Mom of the Year Award
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