Homecoming Week Comes to An End

I went to the last homecoming dance I will ever attend as a student of Aragon High School, and it was good. It was real good. Aside from not being able to hear a damn track bein played, and some overactive sweat glands I had myself a time; I mean, for shits sake, look who I got to go with. Look my momma went with. I definately should’ve taken way more shots but I had my hands full. Everyone came lookin extra sharp, Fejj eats style for breakfast, the Crawford bros looked like they smelled some piss, and dawkness was as black as he ever was. Michelle stepped on a staple with her bare foot, so I’m sure that was not particularly enjoyable.
Mike Clink was kind enough to drop an invite my way for a afterparty at the Marriot. I had heard whispers of the <100 lb Danny yakkin out of his nose after his introduction to smirnoff twist, so of course I was more than intrigued. The whispers proved true, Dannyboy was indeed, fucked the fuck up, which didn’t shock me cause D-boy is a wee lad, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in stature. Twas a chill afterspot indeed. Big ups to Mike.
Pre-homecoming party was hosted by none other than my main dude Thomas, and god damn we had ourselves a rumpus, singin sweet cheers, readin fuckin stories, and brewin orange in a pot. I pulled a Brady and went and picked Jill up, a nasty habit for someone who has a nastier habit of dropping people. Jared is a tease. There was one room in particular that would put Smokey the Bear into a fit, and it wasn’t from marshmallow schmokin but for the most part we all got our kicks off of the liquids flowin round the pad mixed with the eversweet strum of Eeb’s fight riffs it was enough to put Jill to bed. Anyway.
Rally Day. Twas a cold and crispy day, but due to my uncanny ability to perspire in sub-zero temperatures I handed over my table cloth sized sweater to the E+A team, it fit both of them. Most of my buds and I played it ‘G’ and stayed for both rallies mostly because we so impressed by the advanced choreography from the first one. Brotha Rich showed which made the whole damn thing way more bitchin, gotta love the OH SIX class and the brothers and this guy and why not Laustoo. And no, I didn’t forget the ladies the booty sammiches keep gettin bigger and bigger, fine by me. I think our friend would agree
I am lookin for more/new cool sites to affiliate with, I got buttons up the ass that you can use, peep em here, if your interested e-mail me at nickybrady@gmail.com . Also, you can use any of those buttons on your MySpace.
Also, I’m hopin to get some ideas for NBHQ shirts together, and I’m hopin to sell the bad boys for dollars on the dollar, so flip your cusions and crack your piggys, or sell yourself, you don’t wanna be the only cat on the block not rockin his/her NBHQ tee.
One last thing – check out the photographical portfolio of our boy Chris “China” Wong, click here to check it.
– Small Ass Waist
– Napoleon Jr.
– Prison Tour
– Aqua Car
– George W. Rag Doll
– How to be A Ninja
Halloween – No Bologna
Friday night my head hit the pillow at 8 oclock so I could be rested to run across the golden gate at 6 the next morning. Saturday night my head hit the porcelain throne after a hard hitting eve with Eebs, Dallas and the boys, photos of our act would be more than incriminating so I used my better judgement and didn’t post any. For the most part, I dedicate this post to Halloween; one of the best damn holidays besides Kwanzaa and Good Friday. Halloween at Aragon high school is usually a most enjoyable day for anybody who enjoys eyeballin females in neccesarily skimpy attire and what not. My eyeballs however got their jus from eyein m’lady in this hot lil number. By the way, I was a frickin nurse, and by the way, I had a following. I was a little disapointed at the number or costume wearers this time around, I guess I’ve been spoiled from years past. I like cowgirls, that Amber gal on the left of yours truly delivers a powerful massage, and all I could remark upon her costume is that her hat looks really expensive. E+A were plumbers, boy oh boy they could plunge my shitpipes anyday. And if your a man of crack, I suggest peepin this and / or >.
At lunch I did what I normally do when I have a camera at lunch and pass out free mammograms to random beezies, milfs, and giant mounds of pubic hair. I did a little bencpressing while in full costume. Shoemaker broke a weight in half thanks to his superhuman brut force. And thats what that was about.
When the sun went down, the midnite crew assembled and we took to the streets. Now I’m a man of moral, one who believes that thou shall not fuck with another man or womans automobile and I will shun any peer who disreguards my firm belief. Egging, keying, and/or hurling bologna on someones car is fucked up and a half, Nick Brady would choke a bitch if I had a hunka fuckin meat on my hood. Anyway, we didn’t do too much, drove around, scared some little kids pretendin to be security at a middle school, miss Emily, threw shaving cream, than I threw it and it exploded with the desired result. By the way, tell me Em herself doesn’t look exactly like Ville himself in Ian’s wicked ass beanie. Food for thought.
– **** November Babes ****
– Egg Art
– Real big croc
– Chuck Norris Facts
– Virus Game
Hip Hop Anonymous & The Rock Show
I’ve been to a lotta shows in my day, from Bruce Springsteen to KoRn to Mr. Scribble. I went to my first show long before the first hair sprouted out of my ass, I saw KISS when I was the tender age of eight at the Oakland Arena. 9 years later I returned, this time sportin a hot young female by my side and seeing the Foo, The Weez, & the Heat. We were seated close enough for me to throw my bra at Rivers of Weezer, lucky for him I was free-boobin it. Hot Hot Heat opened, and I gotta say, I don’t normally listen to them but I think they converted me, that curly haired singer has got spunk. I came for Weezer, I left loving what I came for; Weezer kicks the shit out of shit, and the six male strippers only made them rule more. Rivers belting out the beginning of “Say it Isn’t So” damn near floored me, Eebs and I have always been been in agreeance that that is the perfect song. I did enjoy when there were 3 weezer men on drums. Good ol Dave pretended to do be a guitar savvy member of the audience volunteering his abilities to play “The Sweater Song” by Weezer, whipped his hood off and rocked it with rivers, oh weezer how much ass kicketh thou? Foo Fighters took over keeping the flame burnin Dave killin his axe and banged his head very hard.
Ya’ll crackers and honkeys like the angry rap music? Booty shakin beats? Her humps? Her lovely lady lumps? If you do, I can’t imagine you would care for our schools hip hop club, composed of the elite freestylers, the flowers, the poets, and the hip-hoppers. If your into some of the greats like San Juan – straight out of madtown, Raul – the prolific poet lacing his insight with complex rhymes, Delee – the cracker, and the Incredible Fejj – the self proclaimed “Jeffrey, sicker than leprosy don’t step to me or you’ll get dropped like ectasy.” Basically what we’ve got here is hip hop to the ears, and you it beats thizzin anyday. Even the Wannabe westsiders from the east side get off on it. I filmed the first flow session during lunch period and this is the product, download it if you know whats good for you, if it doesn’t play download this first
On top of everything else, me, Pinky and Randy got together for a latenight run the other night, I gotta say I’ve missed those sonsa bitches and I know you bitches have too. We blew up this little missle shooter firework thing in the college parking lot, it tipped over upon ignition and shot tiny little firework projectiles at us as we scurried into Randy’s mom’s minivan and sped off. Badass.
Party tonight. Rock and roll everyday.
– Racial Slur Database
– Super cool costumes!
– This I don’t understand
– Jello SF
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