Mo Hot Ish Fo Ya’ll To Vibe Wit
We’ll Pinky’s pink ass is off in the Catorina Islands off the coast of San Diego, dickin around with his Pink amigos probably getting pinker by the minute. Lucky for me, Pinky has a nice girlfriend with a nice friend with an even nicer Escalade. I had wanted to check out the Scribble Jam cause I had heard all those names before, and plus I’d never been to a rap show before. It was the same venue as the Finch show with half the people, which increased the odds of me makin it home with all ten toenails. It was weird only seein two dudes there, one with a mic and his bitch behind the tables, kinda takes away the overall stage presence, maybe that’s jus my take on it :P. Maybe deep down I kinda thought, kinda hoped Slug would pop out and tear Blueprint a new one for weak verses to spill out of. The first act, GLUE was real good, god damn that man could speak very fast, it was like watchin a fuckin auction with a beat to it, but it was good nonetheless, I’ll put some of his stuff up on the radio. The headliner, Mr. Dibbs was pretty crazy too, he seemed to have a lotta confidance about his wrist flickin / finger twitchin / vinyl scrapin skills as he stammered onstage. He managed to mix AC/DC with Jay-Z, ZZ-Top with Star Wars audio, pretty cool man. So I got to shake hands with all 3 acts cause they would all come down on the floor after their set, pretty downed to earth for underground / unheard of hip-hop artists, I left with a signed GLUE CD. Rap isn’t crap, but I still would have liked to see Atmosphere :/.
I had the fellas and the Turtle Squad over a few nights ago. Before the fellas made their grande arrival, the lassies and myself enjoyed a comedic motion picture entitled “Super Troopers.” We thorougly savoured and enjoyed each and every amusing scene, and found it humurous when one of the officers dares his partner to say “Meow” ten times to a pulled over speeder. Hah hah h-yessss. Anywhoo, I’ve NEVER been to London, Ashley’s been to France, and oh my lord, here we see Emily’s underpants gives me a yeast infection jus lookin at it…YEESH..hah get it? Megs Emo, but we all knew that beforehand. It was almost one in the morning, the ladies has long since gone, and the fellas grew restless. Craftily I took us all outside, to the church, wielding my water polo ball…it was cool. Patrick assumed the role of the playground pimp, a cone fight erupted between Derek and the Ninja, Kairon, and yes Derek is still passing trace amounts of flourescent orange rubber in his stool movements thanks to the quick, and relentless hands of his fellow fella, Kairon. Patrick cleared the eight stair on his feet, and made a damn funny face when he landed. Keep in mind now it’s almost 2:00 and these sons-a-bitches still got energy to play some hoops, and immediately, the shirts came off, and patrick schooled the young beezies. It quickly turned into a blurry, and probably really trippy push fest in the hectic midst of which Kai received a bruised left nut and had to “sit-n-chill” for a sec. And after a long hard game with the boys, good ol JoJo came inside and cuddled up with his best girl. Cute shit.
So I guess you can say I’ve been busy lately, this is the first day in about 3-4 days that I even bothered turning my computer on. Gym-going and raisin bran CRUNCH-eating have pretty much dominated my daily routine as of late, and I still have the imminent task of getting a god damn job and a liscence/permit weighing down my shoulders which really is quite insignificant compared to the 145 pounds that I normally shoulder press MWA-HAH BITCHES, 1 ticket to hernia-ville por favor. I’ll drop the new layout when I damn will please so stop e-mailing me.
On a side note : On a rating of 1-10 how old would you say Michael Jackson’s boyfriend is? 😀 Did you hear he got acquitted? Apparently money buys more than jus noses…
– 460 bucks for star wars cereal boxes, anyone? anyone?
– I really don’t even know what to put for this
– Jack Johnson Surfing Game
– “Franimals”
– The TRUTH about MySpace
What’s Your Poison?
Another warm night, another chill hotmale with a tremendous abode and a sweet lil boat dock thing that would put this guyto shame. Twas cool to be at a lil fiesta with a buncha faces that I am not fortunate enough to see on a more frequent basis, take for isntance, this cool cat, after being blessed with his present for one warm, moonlit eve, I can only hope to be in his company again. Then we have this young lady right here, the self-proclaimed “girl version of me” brandishing her very own camera, and yes, it is the better, newer model of my own photo-taking device. It really was a trip havin someone else flashin away at all the prime subjects, jus look at this 3-way photo-taking action, it’s re-god-damn-diculous! It sure was “steamy” outside, must have been from all the fine and spicy footwear. Meg girl was in attendance, as well as DJ Em and Ash’ms, the usual suspects. This seemingly innocent face was connected to the neck and body that made Jared, ( our fearless host ) poke his’self in they face, I’ll admit, it was hard to watch. I don’t think Ari really knew what was goin on, same with this guy. Word to the wise, Jared is an ace when it comes to makin O.J but such an arduous task requires the utmost skill and meticulousness stirring techniques, sadly, not everyone is able to wait for the creation of Jared’s citrus-ee concotion and resort to binging on dairy products on the kitchen floor. Tsk tsk tsk. Was a fun night indeed, thanks again J-boy, you have a lovely home and boat dock :P.
Randy springs me a ring on my mobile as I’m leavin the motion picture house with my lovely ladyfriend announcing his occupany of my home and absolute refusal to depart. Naturally I am enthused to see my boy Randy and his amigo, and my new buddy, Felipe. My excitement only increased after I learned that both boys were to be spending the night! And my mom said we could stay up and watch Parent Trap, and “Stepmom” as many times as our short little attention spans could take it! I’m kidding. After droppin fitty bills at Safeway, ( yes I mean fifty dollars, five of which were jus for the 30 or 7 limes Randall picked out ) we were up till 2:00 in the mornin cookin up some carne, mexican style. Felipe, manning the skillet, Randy wildy wielding the knife, and me, microwaving the beans. Nuked the muthas.
I am still workin on that new layout I promised, no idea when I’m gonna drop it on you guys, these summer days are reason for praise, chaisin the rays while I fall into this abyss of malaise and what not. I’m goin to the Scribble Jam Tour on Saturday with Caitlyn, Pinky’s girl to see Mr. Dibbs, Blueprint, and Glue it should be kick ass ok? Keep that shit wild style.
– Job Predictor – I got heavyweight boxer
– Guess the Google Game
– The catfish that ate a bball
– Scariest Canadian Ever
– Wanna eat here?
Not a Bad Three Days Eh?
Well, I should probably start this post by apologizing to my very important fans, more specifically : Ash’ms, Em and Megan. Lets see now, so much happend since the last school bells wrang, since I scribbled in my last god damned bubble. Last couple days of my Junior Year, I brought my camera snapped ones with my boys and another one throwin up the pinky. Heres one of Mr. Dennis and I depicting our vast heigh differential. One last glimpse at this sexy mofo, one last hoorah with The Murph, one last chuckle as Pat shits himself trying to get 9 tonnes up on the bench, one last sight of Oliver lit off his ass, these pics speak forever though< (103 pics ). Congratulations Class of 2005, you will be missed, we’ll be sure to take care of your school for ya.
Bare with me now, the whole NBHQ Photo Gallery has been beefed up to contain more than ONE THOUSAND photos, more than 200 of which have been added within the last couple of days, so I got a lot to post about ;P. I’ll try to make things as chronologically accurate as my dwindling state of mind allows ( it is now 1:40 A.M. ). Second to last day of school was spent with 3 of my favorite ninja ladies, eatin at my favorite, La fuckin Cumbre, *(Voted All-Time Best Burritos in the World by Me)*, some girls spill on they selves, others get their loones hyked up past they’re titty balls. Either way, there was a whole lot of girl on girl on girl action which might have kinda grossed out Em or…made her turn japanese?. I no know. After burriton consumption, and a car ride, in a car that is very much “the sex”, we were back at Ashleys pad, where Emily bit off a large slab of my ass, it was nasty, Jill couldn’t even watch there was ass chunks and hair everywhere. And then! She had the nerve to yell at me, belleeeee dat? So..unnecessarily long story short, Ashley has a meth lab downstairs, along with a strong liking for Nina Campos and Asuka Cheeba.
Last Day of School, I really wouldn’t know much about cause I dint go. Now if you were to ask what I did instead of sincerely thanking each and every one of my teachers for a fun-filled, fantastic, fabulous, year I visited one hellova beach with, yeh you guessed it, those same, great 3 ladies. That ish was joyous if I do say so myself, they frolicked, they larked and so on. Oh did I mention carried all the equipment essential for boisterous activities? There was a dead bird, we buried the dead bird and gave him a pimpass memorial site. It was pretty hot at the beach, but the wah wah? Cold as my poodles nose, and equally damp. Cold enough to make Ashley shiver and Em shimmer it’s true, girls fear the h20 and have the cooties. Lot more lip action goin on too, and posin and posin more posin and holy cow, another pose struck. Wull sooner than later the boys made their rallying appearance, with Cahill’s pineapple ass behind the wheel. Got our balls out and kept that shit wild style, frisbees were thrown, foosballs caught, and bodies buried. Yep, that much is true, while these lads dug for the good of the Bee Bee Q, everyone else was busy burying me and shaping and reshaping my perky sweater muffins. Shortly after, harnessing herculean=like strength, I busted free of my sandy confines and skipped down into the wah-wah.
From there it was all cartwheels and NBHQ Appreciation time, not to mention pussified attempts at trying to catch a damn frisbee. Some of us brought the party in the little girls room, and that was cool. Meanwhile, Oompy guarded the wiener supply with the poker firmly gripped, oh did I mention Ooompy is a G. John-boy and Sheila came later, which is cool, cause I do enjoy piggy back rides and long meaningful walks on the beach so…that’s a hot combo. Male shot at the table, really cool backshot, and one more throwin up the pinky. Click here to see all the pics from the beach ( 69 pics ).
Same night, well keep in mind that I got a Pinky amount of Pink at the beach so my skin was a little…”tender.” Meg, Ash, Eebs and I went to a show in the city with Nurses, ReeveOliver, Vendetta Red, and Finch. The line damn near wrapped around the block, and inside it was almost as crowded as my teeth! No matter, Vendetta Red really really kicked ass, I think they were my favorite of the night. Reeve was pretty sick too, MAsh took a pic with the dreamy frontman and I got one with “O”. Finch hit the stage and we all got pretty damn close to em, cept for Matt, who was knee deep in mosh. I was tryin my hardest to keep the girls out of the kinetic mass of sweaty flesh that surrounded us, helps to be a big fuck in a crowd, I tell you what. We seriously were pretty damn close, close enough to count the spit bubbles on this guys tongue, I think that dude kinda looks like a lizard, or some other reptile, jus a thought. Anyway, Finch kicked mad ass I liked when the singer did the chicken dance that was neat. If your a fan of close up pictures and / or spit bubbles, Click here to see all the pics of the Finch / Vendetta Red / Nurses / ReeveOliver show ( 30 pics ). By the way, for the love of god, do not wear sandals to a finch concert. So I guess you can say…I left my toenail in Sannnnnn Frannnciscooooooooo
First day of summer the Marauder mobile rolled up on my block, picked me up like that one guy did to that one girl and then broke her choler bone :P. Thanks to Eebs for lettin me use his wicked axe and ampli-muh-fyer to play the music with the likes of Colin crawford, Joe Callhiou or however the ass you spell that ish, and the multitalented Ian Crawford oh and Courtney took great pictures, thanks Miss Walton. Joe ripped this roast beef sammich a new one. Click here to see all the pics from the Jam w/ the Marauders.
Well holy crap I think im almost done, aside from the scenic pics I took at the beach which you should probably look at. Not a bad 3 days eh? This summer is shapin up to kick a lot of well toned ass, and I plan to dip everything in creative juices and jus let that shit simmer for a bit. Oh and I do plan on gettin a new layout up before July (hopefully). Other than that, I’ll try update more pages, and keep listenin to the NBHQ Radio I add tracks to that thing all the time. Celebrate bitches.
– 10 Ways The Earth might be destroyed
– Dead eyes
– Mr. Coe’s MySpace
We Got 6 On It
This will be the last post that I, Nick Brady, Junior at Aragon High School, will throw at ya. I’ts true, i’ts true, summer is again upon us, keep an eye on the bonfire, Pinky’s off probation, keep an eye on your woman, Cahill’s a free agent, keep checkin NBHQ.NET for summer-time follies. Better watch out though, cause next year, the NBHCrew will be seniors, and the school is ours! Bitches. So the first thing I gotta give to you guys is a lil video I put together commemorating a school-year’s worth of g’times, fiestas and all :
Download the Divx version here ( 25.1 mb ) or get the Windows Media Player Version ( 17.9 ). Note : If the video does not play, install these codecs first, if that doesn’t work, go get a new computer, yours is broken.
Seriously though, check out the video. Not much else in the way of happenings…“Turtle squad” struck again last night when they coaxed me into eating a penny infested cookie, yes you heard me right, I bit down, and to my suprise felt my grill clank on a hunk of fuckin copper, well done ladies…well done. Other than that…I strummed my 6-string Stevie Wonder style, while Pinky and Tina waltzed…
I brought my camera to school last Thursday, and plan on bringing it for the last few days of school ( school gets out Thursday, June 2nd ), and in doing so, I captured my homie Josh, looking quite civilized. In the weight room, Jordan put up some mad weight, neck beard and all. A bunch of us tried to show off and curl the 45 plates, Carlos couldn’t quite pull it off. Pat made it look easy, I hit it, and Whipple came damn close and almost shit out his intestines. See the rest of the pics here.
So I got called to do another video game survey, one of those gigs that pays a hundred bucks while some paid suits feel you up for your opinion. My problem is that I don’t have an opinion cause I don’t spend my free time sweatin over a joystick into all hours of the night poppin Jolt shots and Red Bull, I’m postin bullcrap for you bias to read instead. Anyway, for the second time in a row, they didn’t need to use me, which is cool because I can only lie so hard for so long, and two hours of bee essing my opinion might not have gottan me the hun bills in my pocket. Long story : short, my pops and I took some rads shots, like this one of me pinching a street light. Heres jus a few of the ones I took, you can check all of em and more out here.
Well thats pretty much it for now, sorry this post is a little watery aside from the kickass video. Gotta go study for my weightlifting final and shit, I will take many pics this week, so try to dress as cool as this smooth operator, ok? Oh and, I have begun the preliminary stages of developing a new layout for NBHQ, I don’t think it’ll be anything fancy, a lot like this layout, jus different theme, gotta busy summer ahead ;).
– Listen to the new Game / 50 Cent Song
– See what I listen to
– Stinky Meat Project
– Potatoe Fish
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