And Heres To the Next 300!
Here we are, post number THREE HUNDRED, and almost three years after post numero uno still kickin strong, still gettin stronger bitches. It’s crazy to look back in the archives and read somma the crazyass jibba jabba I used to write…A year ago (to the day) I was tellin you guys to say “I won a math debate” five times fast and was giving “props to Shell Fish for turnin me onto Atmosphere,” damn how bout that? That was probably boring enough for you guys to read this first time :P. So anyway I take this time to share with you some of the funny / good time shit that made these past 300 news posts memorable:
Now you and I both know I left a lot out, it would impossible to do a full recap on more than three great years of NBHQ’ing, so I suggest you pay more attention this time around for the next three and beyond my bretherin and sistahly sistahs. I thank you all for the hundreds of great comments you all have left, I wish my arms were long enough to hug you all at the same time.
I am quite sorry it’s been so long since my last post, and I am quite sorry if this isnt quite the comeback you expected but its like lovin…It’s what I got. Went to the Pepper concert the other day, or week, or something :P. Pepper kicks ass, they played “Bulls on Parade” by RATM, and even Smells Like Teen Spirit, that’s pretty darn cool in my book of whats cool and what isnt, and if you’ll turn the page you will find that your cool enough to be taking up most of my mind! See now im starting to ramble, this post sucks.
I wanna finish getting all the content up so when you click shit it does’nt give the 404 page, so I’ll try to get that up very, very soon. So far I got the lovers and friends page up that has a link to jus aboot everyones frickin MySpace. Added about 10 new songs to the radio, some good listening. As for the videos, they got featured on CollegeHumor and that’s quite cool if you ask me. And I got these up to, click em:
Well that’s I have to say, spring break is upon us, I am Cal Poly / Santa Barbara bound, it’ll be good times galore, and I’ll be sure to snap a few shots. Enjoy yourselves.
– Bush likes heads?
– Peter Griffin Soundboard
– George foreman goes fuckin crazy
– The Mosh Girl
– Crazy Keyboard Player
– Crazy ass who thinks hes a mermaid
– Haha nice picture
P.S. Happy Birthday Chuck
Got A Devils Haircut…In My Mind
Well among several other things, I got my locks cut, my character removed, my haircut…I think it kinda looks like Greek or somethin like this, yeh or maybe not :P. I’m thinkin I’ll be rockin the caps until my shipment of rogaine arrives. Many people may not know this, but my hair is the source of all my powers, without it I can no longer…do supercool stuff. I no longer have computer hacking skills, num-chuck skills, nor my skills with a regulation sized bowstaff… Sad but true…Cause I wont be deleting anymore “Rapid Hair Growth” e-mails for a while..Dot dot dot…
Hell yeah I brought my camera on Friday, took this pic of some freaky ass freshman tryin to spoon in center court, although it looked more like forkin to me! And pardon the blurryness, I was zoomed in by like..INFINITY thanks to my camera that kicks the ass. This guy… who knows. Tony is HELLA black, that’s all I gotta say about him, and don’t tell him I say that..cause he’d prolly kick a little bitta shit outta me. Shown here is my brudda Rich…Here we got a half-assed crew shot together before the masses grew restless and started burnin and lootin. Fej ate his board. The End.
Friday Night. Fellas over, my brosef, Josef attended, even Pinky reared his pink head, and flipped me his pink bird in my direction. Caitlyn drove us everywhere, and made scary faces. Poker was played, a can was kissed, and basically…good times were had…Pinkster prepared breakfast, served me up some cracked out waffles. Matt took emo ass photograph of himself with his eyes closed, cause THATS cool, but it musta caught on cause Ashley did it too, maybe we should make that into something. Maybe…
So heres the new layout, it’s not even close to done, but I was jus so tired of the other one, I tried to make this one brither, and by golly I think I succeeded. Thats all I have to say for now, be sure to comment and tell me what u think, or e-mail me at
– The Game…
– cracked out simpsons shirt.
– old ladies can party hard too
– world beard champions
It’s Like That and Like This, and Like That And Uh…
I do apologize for my lack of posting as of late, and thanks to Natalie for “kindly reminding” me to “get that shit updated” everyday 6th period. So I guess this ones free since it took me so long, and its lookin kinda cold, but hey man heres what I got, something pretty nifty to BEHOLD:
Randy turned 17 yesterday, festivities were held for him at the local Chevy’s, seven seats taken, 42 enchiladas consumed. While we were waitin for the table, curiosity warranted a visit to the neighboring “Dollar Twenty-Five Store” where we tried on nasty ass shades that made Russel look like emo trash. Vinny tried on this really cute hat that made me blush, Ruff found a great deal on crazy knockoff cereal, than Vinny posed with a ceramic primeape. Mexican food is the shit, bigass sombreros are the shit, and the agua con lemon is real real bueno tambien. That’s that.
I took my camera to school the other day, took time to stand with mi amigas, I rubbed this Fu’s head, felt great too, brings me good luck. I saw my Fijian amigo, Leonard in the halls, gave him the nod, and you better believe he nodded back. I was content to be greeted by my brudda Jahred and Ana was hella jealous but she still managed to sneak in the picture with Angela and the babies daddy Tony. Paid my daily respects to Whamo, holy moly he’s a cool cat…Not long after, we took some of the baddest G-D- M & Effin Crew shots, shit man we even took a third one to grow on and take notice of Jason’s hand location and that of my right nipple…Creepy to say the least. But uh if you wanna see all the photos I’ve takin at school, click this.
I guess it was the same night as all these pimpass photos were takin at school some peeps ended up at my pad..At first it was jus me and the Pinkster, we were up to no good really, bustin the shit outta lemons with wimpy baseball bats, but all Pinky could do was try to ram his bat up my arse but whatever, I wasn’t even complaining really…Kelly Natalie, Ashley and Eebsies came over too. We went to go Jam outside at the church, maybe even get a lil jammin in but I dint want the females gettin all cold and shivery and what not and they did insist on rockin my old water polo jacket so I let Kelly rock it while Natalie and I resorted to “reverse sagging” a fashionable technique I perfected quite some time ago and still stands the test of time. Matt and Kelly got close like Rosie Odonnels thighs for a sec long enough for me to snappa pic, than I plucked my lucille behind her back, she liked it. Kelly and Natalie frollocked and skipped across the wet church grass in the dead of night to conjure the most evil of spirits cause they’re crafty like that. Welp..than it was time to say goodbye to Miss Kelly and Miss Natalie, except..oh wait..silly Kelly! your car is covered in saran wrap!, surely you mean not to drive with such an obstruction! Ahh yess the whole S.O.B. was covered from head to tire that shit sucks, funny to look at though.
The next day you ask about? You mean that scenic drive we took in Matty’s god damn Lexus? Is that what your referring to? Where we stopped up top near the most scenic of views, crept up next to my ear and whispered “hey look over there dude“? You want me to speak about how nervous I felt passing by this gang of assless chaps-wearing, flem spewing, motorcycle riding ladies and gents? Talk about how Ebert pointed his finger at that old lady in the distance? Cause if your asking me all that, than your crazy if you think imma answer :P.
Well nows the time in the post when I realize that I totally neglected to stick in all the pics we took and I make a mad dash to shove everything in. So here goes: This cat climbed up on the roof I give a very little fuck about how its dumbass gets back down. Meg frickin met Jack Johnson, Julia shoulda, so imagine my shaking my fist in very disaproving manner. I got much love for the Arias’s Juans mi amigo for sure. Pinky made this, and Natalie wrote this

Alex Singing Smurf Song – Fahaad rapping in Pakastani – Pinky and me Dancing – Evan Tater Tot Video 1 – Evab Tater Tot Video 2 – Me Jumping in Cold Pool – Fruitball!!
No morestuffs today, just make sure you check out ALL the videos esp the Jam, the pool jumping into and the Fruitball. That it all.
San Juan V.S. Big Brady – The Lyrical Faceoff!
[21:47] KING nicky KID: my jokes are lke my rhymes, for of impeccable, sensational with little compassion
[21:47] KING nicky KID: im swimmin like a shark while you sit in the kiddy pool splashin
[21:47] KING nicky KID: with my words, with my lines i can tear you to shreds
[21:47] KING nicky KID: with my height, my insight i can burn right through your head
[21:47] KING nicky KID: my flows, lyrical blows, aimed right at your soul
[21:48] Juan: brb biach
[21:48] KING nicky KID: my #2, my ballpoint, my weapons of mass construction
[21:48] KING nicky KID: its done now, fully cooked, and ready for your consumption
[21:49] KING nicky KID: if you cant handle that juan baby, your gonna burn your tongue
[21:49] KING nicky KID: if you dont have a taste for glory, than baby you gonna get stung
[21:49] KING nicky KID: if you think you got what i have, to make words sound like music
[21:50] KING nicky KID: than i got what you need, an overdose of creativity, that would probably make u feel sick
[21:50] KING nicky KID: this shit is like your straightass hair, its jus sproutin from my head!
[21:50] KING nicky KID: this shit is like REALNESS, better believe it before i end up killin ya dead!
[21:50] KING nicky KID: pretty fly for a white guy huh, and yup, im still flowin
[21:51] KING nicky KID: pretty sav for a straight guy, your blows are still blowin!
[21:51] KING nicky KID: that shit i said bought your brown bretherin, i said that shit jus playin man
[21:51] KING nicky KID: that shit i said about bringin you the fury, i was for real on that man
[21:52] KING nicky KID: im holdin this rhyme tight, smoke is comin up from my fist
[21:52] KING nicky KID: im killin you madtown bitches with this lyrical shit, and big juan is first on the list!
[21:52] KING nicky KID: i guess i forgot to tell u i write once and while
[21:52] KING nicky KID: i guess i forgot to tell u j-baby i can make it that extra fucking mile
[21:53] KING nicky KID: madtown click mutha fucka, my favorite fucking sound
[21:53] KING nicky KID: madtown click mutha fucka, rep it till u tie or else you be reppin the ground!
[21:53] KING nicky KID: who gets what from the flee market now mutha fucka!
[21:54] Juan: haha
[21:54] Juan: u suuuuuuck
[21:54] KING nicky KID: hahah
[21:55] KING nicky KID: i win
[21:55] KING nicky KID: asshole
[21:56] Juan: check it … my shit hott like plasma i breath harder then asmah bitch you can fuck wit mah stamina
[21:56] Juan: im a real murda from the streets…. all i kno is a hoe n some weed
[21:57] KING nicky KID: bitch shutup man the clock has ran out
[21:57] Juan: lol
[21:57] Juan: u mad
[21:57] KING nicky KID: my mind runs laps around you, all u can do is stare without a shout
[21:57] Juan: im not gonna spit at u cuz its not worth da spit
[21:58] KING nicky KID: im in the lead fucka im whiter than white (no pride in that )
[21:58] Juan: my mind intelectual… i spit shit like a natzi.. u can say fuck hitler when its really “fuck me papi”
[21:58] KING nicky KID: im engaged man, focuses killin u with spite
[21:58] KING nicky KID: [21:58] Juan: my mind intelectual… i spit shit like a natzi.. u can say fuck hitler when its really “fuck me papi”
[21:58] KING nicky KID: hah
[22:00] Juan: HAHA….. u kno ur mad
[22:00] KING nicky KID: 😀
[22:00] Juan: u suuuuuuck
[22:00] KING nicky KID: haha
[22:00] KING nicky KID: this is tight
[22:01] KING nicky KID: no no no man now its time to show the love, show the respect
[22:02] Juan: lisent kid i play no games…. cuz if i write ur name on a paper ur place would be replaced … im a madtown boie comin from da 650 dats da land of rough scream gettin hyphy wit ur wifey in my white t and my nike’eess
[22:02] KING nicky KID: time to say juans my boy, when he kills, there will be nothin left to resurect
[22:02] KING nicky KID: hes like that guy you seen on your block, makes you wanna lock your fuckin doors
[22:03] KING nicky KID: hes like that dark shadowy figure man, you can run to your gun, but you’ll prolly need more
[22:03] Juan: i fear no man… so if i go 2 resurect let it b today.. cuz im not like biggie or pac im ready 2 die .. fuck a gat nigga lets scrap it out.. cuz i aint NEVA SCARES catch me in a 64 with a BAG of YAY
[22:07] Juan: u tiered of flowin cuz you realized i aint neva scared and will keep going to the wheels break…. but ill let you kno dat ur a MADTOWN boie white in da outside but multi-colored in the inside wit a place in da palace wit no doom dats THUG’s MANSION with a bottle of brew
[22:07] KING nicky KID: he fears no man, yeh thats for sure, got nothin to fear but juan himself, fuck the what man? i know you scared sometimes, but i know u always stay
[22:07] KING nicky KID: sorry bout the pause homie, i was jus out spittin at the hottest of gals
[22:08] KING nicky KID: sorry bout the break homie, u musta been out chewin out bitches n hoes with your pals
[22:08] KING nicky KID: your styles and my style, were some worlds apart
[22:09] KING nicky KID: you rule mars while i rock the moon, combined we can end before other cats even begin to start
[22:09] Juan: haha
[22:09] KING nicky KID: this collective collaboration man, somethin like nothin ive ever heard
[22:09] Juan: u should flow it us one day
[22:09] Juan: for da fuck of it
[22:10] KING nicky KID: those mars cats, those moon babies, should run and hide cause we know they skurddd
[22:10] KING nicky KID: nah i cant flow
I don’t know how this all came about, but whatev, good times, got much love and respect for San Juan of the Madtown Click and I really gotta finish that site for them one of these days…I have been workin on the new NBHQ layout, though, heres the teasiest of teasers that’ll make you wanna rip your eyes out and hurl them at the screen…Please refrain because you’ll need em for the newly redesigned photos section:
So I didn’t mean for this to be a less than par post but, I think I’m overdue for a shitty post since they’ve all jus been so darn sweet and tender lately! I mean…it’s practically falling off the bone! Anyway, Friday will be another best day, this weekend? Practice with The Marauders? Eh?? We shall see, we shall soon see ya lil jerks. Oh and Fuck hitler.
– Save poor toby!
– Worst than Kobe Soz..
– Dyslexia people with Famous
– The code all men MUST follow
– 100 Cool Gadgets
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