All I Know is Everything
First of all, its 9:27 PM and my momma jus made din din for herself, rice with something, fills this whole place with a fart-like aroma that tugs at each one of my nose hairs, damn thats vile and I’m not even the one who has to eat it. Second of all, my good companion Cahill got hisself a FOUR DAY SUSPENTION for getting caught changing his grade, my grade, and Shell Fish’s grade in our english class, me and Shell were careful not to divulge to anyone that Cahill did it, but he balled it out and confessed. Aint thatta bitch, I hope his parents don’t chew his ass too hard, cause he needs that ass for women fishing. Keep yer head up Kay-Hizz.
Did I mention I got my student ID card today, looks jus as normal as the other two but I think the flash scared my hair into a frantic state. Who knows… I can’t sleep, my mind keeps racing around and I think about everything too much, and I don’t mean that in a profound wannabe EMO way at all, I jus miss slumber. It’s like im theres a constant debate in my head and I’m contemplating the differently between logic and moral, and how to cope with hate and anger, and love and hugs. Either way not a single drop of drool has touched my pillow for some time now, and i miss waking up to the smell of my own oral secretions.
You notice how Jay-Z has been mixing his Black Album tunes with what seems to be every artist lately? Well there was the Grey Album where DJ Dangermouse mixed JAY-Z lyrics with Beatles tunes and that was bitchin as all get out. Than I see Jay himself bouncin around on a stage with Linkin Park and that was the shit to say the least, and now, which I’m sure almost no one knows about cept for me and Pinky theres the Double Black Album which is Jay-Z and Metallica, good god it’s awesome, I haven’t found a full download link yet but you can click here for a little audio sample, which is assloads better than nothing. Enjoy.
– Come Closer
– Design your own Superhero
– My Superhero
– Some weirdass…text
– Star Wars Episode 3 Trailer ( For Pinky )
– Buy one of my friend’s computers
Nod Your Head To This :
Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow, back to my home I dare not go is where I went with Kels yesterday. It was a pretty smashing marsh, Kelsie counted dead crabs while I sank into quicksand. Sugah was sure to take a buncha pics of the place, so I share some with you now : 1 – 2. Anyway, we played hunter, I won but got mud on my tootsies. She took a pic of my backside and one more of my sideside. Oh and did I mention I sank into quicksand?… check out my monster tracks. By the way, theres nothin more romantic to a woman than slippin and glurpin around in a mudswamp next to our county’s landfill, jus look at the evidence, ya know she loved it.
So apparently my former best friend Russel Jones, also known as Ol Dirty Bastard, fell victim to an untimely death at the age of 35. The press said he jus up and dropped it like he was hot right in front of his home. We’ll miss ya Russ!

Oh and Scott Peterson…GUILTY BEEHATCH, no shit it only took the jury three shakes past the hip to come up with a verdict, ya blokes!
– Do You Want 2 CD’s?
– Wanna hear poop?
– Scary Ass Flash Movie
– Lonely Dog seeking a casual encounter
Here it is
Heres the new layout, hope ya dig it.. I jus realized that the dropdown menu I have is shitty and I plan on implementing a new one as a first priority Oh and by the way you gotta refresh the site a buncha times to see all the cool shit that changes everytime you do like the banner and title of the page itself. In case you didn’t happen to know, you can refresh any web page by pressing “F5” on your keyboard.

Now to bring you all up to speed on the haps.. The homecoming dance was last night, and I went a pretty flippin hot babe. She looked good in the backseat, she looked great when she posed, she looked superb in mid-air, she would look good with a fox on a box I tell you what! So that was grid.
Anyway I gotta go to bed cause my lids are heavy but take your time exploring all the cool new little features on this new layout. Keep in mind that I rushed it last minute jus to get it online for you guys. So you can look forward to even more cool stuff coming soon, remember to refresh. And if you want your picture on the main banner or if you know of a better drop down script, please e-mail me at, thanks bitches.
P.S. Go give Dan a kind word, he jus broke up with his girl who he’d been with for more than 2 years, hes gotta be in rough shape.
P.P.S. Expect a juicy post tommorow filled with shit on ODB’s death, Scott Peterson, and possibly more celeb bosom? That seems to be what the masses cry for.
– Queens – Another One Bites the Dust Backwards
– Britney Spears spears subliminal message
– Kids get pissed easy
– Windows DJ
– Her milkshake brought me to the yard
– Got this song stuck in my head
– Poor Brit
– Badass
Man Of Few Words
More shots of Tara Reid’s booby fallin out: One – Two – Three – Four – Five
I was checkin out a bunch of these paparazzi pics, crazy how many people get their kicks offa silicon jelly and what not. Turns out the rumors are true Britney Spears has gone nuts, and Paris Hilton is now a certified crackwhore. But its still cool to dig Kerry
Anyway I have verry little else to say, the new layout will be done prolly by Friday hopefully, it will be cool I promise. I applied at Piazza’s today, hope I get the job so I can pay for stuff, like bread and washrags…Till than I guess I’ll have to eat and wash my ass with these:
– Sack Wacking ( See if you can beat my best of 751 MPH )
– Hella Scary Led Zep
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