Ya’ll Jives Missed Out
Well as promised Imma tell my peoples hows it gone, and how it be, and how it goes. It gone well, this past week has been the shit, my pops took me and the sugah to go see a friend of his by the name of Jim Campilango, good musician, good guitar player, and he came up to our table and said I had nice eye lashes. Well alrighty J-boy! Did I mention that it was a restaraunt too? The kind that serves you those ridiculously small portions for billions of dollhairs, check out the menu, I got the dollar-bill sized pork chop in case you were wondering. And in case you were wondering what we woulda looked like if you creepin around upstairs takin birds-eye pics of us at the table, I think it woulda been something like
this, and in case you wondering what it would have looked like if our waiter looked exactly like me and went creeping around in the shadows of the restaurant, it woulda looked something like this.
So, having Mr. Campilango entertain us that evening was pretty bad ass. And remember I told ya fools boot my little getaway to Santa Cruz? Well I went, with my girl, it was ggreeeat, but I was too busy bars, hangin out with the locals, enjoying the scenery, and worship to take any pictures :S. And in case you were wondering, your girlfriends shorts make for great rasta gear. Did I mention we stayed in my aunts studio; so your wondering where we slept eh? Well well, we practically had this whole place to ourselves, yeah my back still kinda hurts for laying on the lumpy part of the lawn, but it was worth it.
Imma finish this post later, but comment more
This ends my 5th week of summer school, 25 days of getting up at the shitcrack of dawn and gettin my alebra on. But tonight, I tell it goodbye, and Sugah and I are goin to Santa Cruz till Sunday, which also means I prolly won’t post till I get back. Who knows, perhaps you’ll be greeted with the illustrious words of Pinky of Ruff Himself! Iono daddio, cross yer fingies.
We gerna hit up the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in the warm Californian sun, we gerna hit up the Santa Cruz superfreaks, and we gerna hit up the uhhh…whatever I left out :P. The forecast for my little weekend getaway: Light awesomeness, with a slance slight chance of bitchin. Till I return this is Nick Brady tellin you to water your plants, obey your mother, and feed your fuckin hampster Stephan. And don’t forget to sign my guestbook
I’ll have plenty of pics when I come back.
My Mind is on the Blink
Well, I hope the wise words of Pinky kept everyone entertained and I hope it acted as a consolation for my haitus from posting. But im back bitch! Postin from Randy and Ruffles house, and oh yes…Randy did indeed cook once again, eggs and snausage cause hes so pimp..cookin for me 😀 Thanks Big R. Its 9:56 AM and school starts at 10:15 AM, and Im starting to continue not wanting to go…”starting to continue” thats a good slogan, you can use that if ya want.
Anyway, my weekend you ask? Oh.well. it was the shit, thanks for asking. Took my girl onna my yacht that was conviently docked at space numero siete but before we got ther, we were chillin in the back of a truck and got our foot play on, and that carried her off into a deep slumber, and she was all asleep keep in mind, we had more than junk in the trunk. Anyway, it was a pretty wonderful watercraft, if you have the means, I highly encourage picking one up, they are so choice! Something I didn’t about those kinda boats that u live on is the pooper, apparently you can put any toilet paper in therr, so you gotta toss in lil garbitch. Thats powerfull gross huh? Well heres the rest of the pics I took on the boat : Pose – Moonlight Photo – Late Heat
That was good times, but wait it gets better! The next day she came over again before I got home, and cleaned. My room you ask? No bia! The whole mo puckin house! Damn bia, you shoulda seen the front room after that. Great. Anyway, anyone who really knows me im shit scared of spiders, well my girl was cleaning under my bed and she found two of these bitches. Thats powerful scary.
So uh, I was pumpin the mad iron ya know, reppin about 265 pounds in that picture, and ya know thats why daddy makes the big bucks. My personal bat trainer looked on. Than he saw me checkin out batgirl and yelled at me.
Yeah so this uBeR 1337 haX0r totally fax0red with my guestbook so I had to start fresh and install a new guestbook, its the same kind, its jus newer and more secure. Anyway I lost like 120 posts, so please please please SIGN THE NEW GUESTBOOK
A Look Back
First of all this is the 200th news post, so thats powerful exciting! So Imma getta little nostalgic on ya’ll jive turkeys! Exclamation marks are cool!!!
So theres a look back at all the grande times we once had and the few-chah wer gerna herve.
I updated the rants section with 2 new ones from Pinky, and the NBHQ Radio is back online with some new tunes. Playlist is updated too with all the songs I got. Oh by the way, I am looking for new affiliates, so if you are interested in trading links, e-mail me at nick@ofhq.com or fill out this form.

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