Lil Less Hair, Lot mo…attitude…bitches
Good times good times, my homeskillet Pinky and his grrl Caitlyn picked my up from the depths of summer school today at 12:25, yeh…12:25, they have me caged in a ghetto ass portable at Mateo High from 10:15 – 12:25! In one mo puckin class! My teachers got gold fronts, peolpe steal back their own wallets, and this white dude wont shut the fuck up with this “What the heezy” bullshit, how…eezy up on the heezy my light skinned aquaintance..Crazyness..
Damn it was a bitch gettin into the backseat of Caitlyn’s ride, Pinky’s barkin at me “Fuckin I get back there all the time, no problem, suck it up dickass,” now..what Pinky fails to recognize is my freakishly long legs can only bend so far behind my ears…Yaya…
Got home, got Sugah, got grillin bia…Now everyone that knows Pinky, knows that hes a pro-fucking-fessional grilla, marinates the fixins in lighter-fluid. My my, he can grill, yessuh yessuh indeed. Yeh so Pinky was in charge of the grillin, I was to make sure that he dint indulge in his pyromaniac tendencies, while the ladies had the complex task of gettin all the stuff to dress the meats wiff, Sugah totally launched tomatoe after tomatoe at my mom in the kitchen while Caitlyn took cover under a nearby washing machine. Little did Sugah know that she had fired the tomatoe heard round the werldd..momma follwed er with a tomatoe on a pen, Sugah strolled away in utter fear! Momma got the bigger guns and Sugah tomatoe-fied.
The eat-fest began, Pinky and I did most of the eating part, and Sugah…well Sugah ate most of her drink :D. Gerd eats.
So Pinkys grrlll ( Caitlyn ) is an aspiring cosmotologist who jumped at the oppurtunity to trim my tangles. I was sorta reluctant to lose my superpowers that are in my hair, but this hot chic talked me into it. And besides, Catilyn is a total pro. It was kind of rough at first but I found my groove right quick, and plus..that hot chic I told ya bout was still there…
Ok im at Randy’s now, tryin to finish this splickity lit, so ill jus show ya the pics up front from the BBQ that happend days ago.
Pinky shows his loins – I drank hair water – Monky Face

Jah Suhm Tings
Don’t call it a comeback, ive been here for days,
Been layin low, keepin my song silent in so many ways,
Coastin on this ride, gliding on this wire
Whinin to the chief, reason has yet to inspire
Sorry I havent posted inna yiddle yit, been busy with
the better things, but I been keepin it real. I like to apologize to mah boy Eebs and my sista Ash’ms cause they be numero uno fans of my hanus site, and for their loyalty and utter devotion to me, I am grateful. Don’t know why im so tired right now, but im kinda stickin to this leather chair and its startin to smell somethin fierce.
Speakin of smellin somethin fierce, howzza bout Eebs sportin the lobster-smellin new ride. Thats right bitches, Matthew Ebert jus bought his very first car, is it sick you ask? Is it sexy? Does it melt in your mouth? Does it fit in your hand? Neh my friends, well…it is sexy, and sick and it does melt in your mouth, but that thing I said about it fitting in your hand, well…that was jus mindless slander. For that I apologize… Anyhoo, Eeb’s ride has many-a-perks, for example, premium boston acoustics soundsystem, with a 10 disc CD changer in the rear, right were my boy Eebs loves it. Its got automatic everything EVEN WINDOWS, and heres the killer…are you ready? For the killer? Ok enough warning here it is…Martha fawking SEAT WARMERS!. Are they good? They ask me..are they good? Well my friends let my expression speak for itself. Sweet ride Eebs
Yeah, did I mentioni hafta go to summa school? No im not takin advanced classes to broaden my horizons, no im not getting a headstart on the lil bitches behind me, no sir, for you see…I am the little bitch behind YOU. Let my GPA speak for itself. So I guess Harvard can wait. But summer schools a drag man, no matter what way you look at it, everyone there speaks tongan, everyone is packin WAY more heat than I am, and..for me…2(3x + 5 -17x) + 34 – 3x still equals I DONT GIVE A SHIT even in the summer, so…you can take that juris-my-diction garbage, and cram it up your ass.
If ya notice in the runs section, there havent been any updates since Bay to Breakers, the reason for this, is that I havent been runnin with my dad, and hes the camera man, so…I go solo. I run everyday, around CSM, sometimes a few times, take the backroads home, and go wee wee wee all the way home. Man oh man, I tell ya what though, my feet still have the dead layers of skin that were hangin off my foot around mile 6 of the Bay to Breakers. Nastee.. Luckily I got these lil puppies that give my lil piggies a well deserved break, yes indeed. Yes…indeed.
One more thing before I go, I have been keepin my ear to the wall lately and may I jus say…Velvet Revolver you rock my fuckin world. In case ya dint know, these guys are Guns ‘n Roses without the ego / Axl Rose. And in case you really dint know, GNR totally rocked, and they rock even more without the glittery diva / Axl Rose holdin em back. Its great stuff. Slash still knows how to work it and that cigarette still never manages to fall out of lips no matter how hard he bangs his head. Slash is a true pimp.

Paco’s Days
Pac man, where has the time gone? Three days have come and past, sucks the shit that today had to be our last. Hope you had an ok time stayin herr wiff, I hope the east wing of my estate suited you adequetly. So lets recap our day:
Woke up, at like..noon? I don’t know, maybe that was jus me. 😛 We met up with Leo. Cody strolls in my room and shares his word of the day with me. I happen to disagree with it however, and scolded him harshly. Leo agreed with me and had a little sit down with Sir Paco. Needless to say, Leo was disgusted with Cody’s behavior! Leo had to leave early cause he had a baseball game to lose against Burlingame, sad but true. Dawkness can through a ball though, ya damn right…better than yours..
Anyway, afters Leos tearful departure, Cody and I had the urge for metal. So I pack my axe and we head over to Ebert’s pad. Now anyone who has ever heard me and Ebert play in the same room will tell you he rocks my shit way hardcore-er than me. And he looks lika fucking stud when he plays too, and yes ladies, hes free…very free.
And den, after the rockin was through we got to pingin the pong. It was fun. We practiced safe pinging above all. Eebs watched in horror as I continued to embarass Cody and ping the shit out of his pong. I hope that one day I can achieve the same kind of Ping Pong stardom that Matthew Ebert has achieved. I asked him about the methods to his ping ponging mayhem, he left me with: “Keep it clean”.
Cody and I than were homeward bound, I hopped..
Cody gimped. And den we got home and met up with OH GOOD GOLLY miss Molly. We had malice on the mind and our mind on the CD players we planned on hitting with baseball bats. But I insisted that I get to drive Molly said no because I was a “liability” whatever that means :P. She hits like a sheep anyway. haha jussss kidding Miss Molly. You can still that bendy thing WAY better than I can. Anyway, it was hella windy and my insane hair kept blowin in my face, so I asked Cody if he had a hair tye, but apparently he didn’t this time, so I hadta mooch one offa Molly again. Aint that a kick in the face? Yeh, and Molly swung atta pinecomb. Cody swung at that lil container of lime juice. Oh yeah, than we went in the tunnel
Yeh so after we hit alla dat shiot, we went back inside where Miss Molly challenged me to a battle of the bending, a flex-off, a dousche duel! Physically Molly and I are very much alike, each of us are about 5’3″ give or take and I too went all-state for my cheerleading skills, but she jus has a lil more experience in the field of flexibility. But ya know…I still hella won. And that was that :D.
So than everyone left, and it was jus me and Paco again, and it was time for the main event. Since it was Cody’s last night in the state, I thought I should give him the rubdown with some California love and some California Cookin. He and I ate the following:
>>Triple Decker graham crackers with peanut butter in the middle with whip cream slopped all over.
>>Pizza and Ice Cream
>>Whip Cream
>>More of those graham cracker things
>>More wootermelon
>>Paco Pie

Drivin in Cars with Bradies
Imagine the most uneasy facial expression conceivable, and thats what I’ve been doin for a day and a half after I sorta…kinda…was..did uh…kinda hit the garage door comin out and busted the mirror. I parked it in the garage fine, but uh..I was pullin out to straghten it out, and its not like I have shitloads of confidence cause I don’t even drive that much I was goin slower than her, I dented the shit a bittle lit too. God dammit so lame. I’ll pay for it, so I guess I really am gonna getta job this summer. Shiot.
Iowanna think about it 😛 Anyway, got my main mayonaise Paco be stayin herr ferr a few days. Saying Paco is a good man is an understatement, this cat digs bueno tunes, this cat says I have the room of all rooms, and this cat has the same razor as me! Mach3 Turbo aint fo no fools. Pimps shave alike :D. Oh and he was lovin my massive music collection, so he was burnin dem discs very very hard. Oh and I’m hopin me and him can go out by the college and hit some CD players with bats. I’ll be sure to film it.
Yeah and the other day we had like 12 people visiting the site at the same time, I think thats a record :D. Some kids from Afganistan sent me this.
Yeh this is a shitty post ill do betta tommorow.

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