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Cmon Party People

Greetings and salutations to you all, I apologize I’ve gone through quite spell of blogger’s block partly because I didn’t have the time and partly because if someone were to ask me what I did last weekend my reply would probably be a dull and blank one. No longer is this the case. And so it begins:

sdsu A few weeks ago, back when I had a girlfriend and 2 jobs to occupy my time, basically slaving away at the daily grind for dollars that made little sense. My chance for escape came when my dear pal Ian hatched a plan for us to go stay visit Ash’ms, Christa Ryder and the new love of my life / Ashley’s boyfriend Daren Smilie. Needless to say the very prospect of these tentative arrangements solidifying into weekend plans was enough to send me into a heightened state of arousal. Ian and I hit the road at damn the ungodly hour of 5:30 A.M. embarking on what would turn into an 8 hour ass-falling-asleep-fest complete with sing along emo music audible throughout the rear speakers only, cause most the time if I have to listen to that shit at all thats how I like it, faint and kinda shaky. So prior to the trip people advised me to be wary of the smog polluted skies of LA and not to get arrested in Mexico, heres a pic of the gorgeous Los Angeles sky you can almost make out a plane in the background or maybe its just fecal matter I don’t know.

Maybe three or four hours into the epic journey I managed to catch some winks while sitting fully erect with my fuckin arm at a 45 degree angle and evidently Ian thought this was some majorly entertaining shit. The unpleasant aftermath of my sunbaked napping was a gnarly ass half farmer tan on my right arm that without the administering of the soothing aloe via Christa could have fucked up my days. I’d say the highlight of our excursion was the night spent in Tijuana where Mr. Cuervo and I made friends and he introduced me to his rowdy cousin the “Adios Motherfucker”, truly a lovely family all in all.

usf The next memorable excursion for yours truly was my time spent over at the lovely University of San Francisco with lovely ladies ingesting lovely liquids and peeing them out in womens bathrooms. Ally, better known as A-face round them parts, showed me a time and a half. Showed me my first club experience (north of the border) where my faith in the Hyphy movement was restored. True it wasn’t anywhere near Tijuana’s Gropefest ’07, and true I didn’t take any pics when inside but take my word for it when I say the force of friction felt was enough to grind down my jeans to the threads. Beleee dattt.


In local news Hoesafe, Barry, and girl Joe all went the to beach a bunch of days ago. I met a 185 lb dog with a raging erection for

me. I was buried in sand. Life was made better when I saw my dear buddy Malchow at la casa de Gannon, played some beer

checkers and was shown the way of the shotgun, Ian and the dog ran a train on Umpy, and then we all ate tacos. Good night.

Immortal Technique

techniique In celebration of Pinky’s early graduation his gracious sister bestowed tickets to the Technique show at Slims, which in my eyes, is the best venue ever. For those unfamilar to the music, to the word, to the gospel Immortal Technique preeches, he is Harlem’s own radical, outspoken, political activist who belts out bar after bar of Bush slams, economic trash talk, verses of wit of angst of injustice and a lot of “N”, “F”, and “M&F” words entwined in there somewhere. Basically, Pinky’s cup of tea.

Pinky and I have been somewhat short term listeners to technique, I’d call him a bigger fan than I, but I consider myself down for his cause. Anyway I’ve only seen a couple pictures of him on the internet rockin a blue bandana that covered his face with a sneer of a bulldog. Now keep in mind, both Pinky and myself are white. Very white. Pinky is more pink though. Anyway, we were the two marshmellows in the pool of hot chocolate, so if things were to jump off, yours truly was gettin a face lift and smash.

The opener was a M.C. by the name of ““Poison Pen” who I thought bore a STRIKING resemblance to Cedric the Entertainer. Maybe it was his brother or something.

Anyway, at first site of Technique I was a little takin back, the man couldn’t be much over five feet but had the presence and ambience of a fuckin axe murderer who killed all his cell mates and killed a guy with a microphone and has been runnin ever since. He came out with his trademark bandana coverin his face, and a camouflage vest on top of his bullet proof vest (50 cent aint got shit on this guy). He came and stood at the merch table, and I’m not gonna lie, even from the distance of that pic I was a little frightened of the dude. So, some brave bastard asked him to sign a CD he jus bought that still had the plastic on it, and I kid you not, Technique reaches in his vest and pulls out a knife the size of my girlfriend and cuts the CD wrapper off like he was gutting an LAPD officer than proceeded to jam the contraband into the table in front of him.

Moral of the story: Technique is one BAAAADDD mofo.


Immortal Technique – Dance w/ the Devil

By the way I am sunburned lookin like a lobster. Hello Summer.

You Know You Go To Aragon When

So I’ve been seein this lil list circulating around and around myspace like a venereal disease so I decided to give it to you. Keep in mind I have not written any of these so if some are rediculously lame, don’t blame me:


1. No one wears red and black on fridays except the spirit squad, teachers, leadership and anyone else who wants extra credit.

2. You think the whole “Asian Mafia” that sits on the other side of school is a joke.

3. The administration says don�t drink before dances�drink after

4. The whole Senior class is divided into 2 groups: The AP’s and the Partiers.

5. You’ve heard the story of Mr. Oling [the ex-dean] and his weed.

6. During lunch half the school is on myspace in the library.

7. The football field may suck but, our football team can whoop on yours…for instance Burlingame.

8. Half the school is under construction, but we’re all so used to it we don’t give it a second thought.

9. Seniors who want a parking space have to get there at least 20-30 minutes before their first class starts, and if you don’t…you just make up your own parking spot

10. Pretty much everyone walks down the halls with an ipod, ipod mini, shuffle, or nano blasting through their ears

11. People can be REALLY shady

12. You don’t really know what service commission is, but you all join it anyways because Mr. Valmonte is so cool

13. You�ve gone to Mr. Pickles on a minimum day

14. Upperclassmen sport the “S.E.E.E Crew” pins…but no one knows what they do, what it stands for, or why they would join such a thing

15. Freshman girls wear really short skirts even on cold days

16. There are literally like 200 people in the Recycling Club, but over half of them don’t even recycle (they’re really in it for the end of the year trip)

17. Looking out the window, watching cars get towed is a great highlight of the day in certain classes

18. The girls wear flip flops whether its warm or not, but no one thinks they’re crazy when they wear it on cold days because every girl does it anyways

19. By senior year, the class is so divided that in actuality you will probably only hang out with one person you used to hang out with since your freshman year

20. Your junior year is the shit if you’re not an AP kid; you’re life is HELL if you are

21. No one goes to the school dances, but everyone goes to Grid and Prom

22. Everyone thinks our school looks like a jail…and frankly it kinda does

23. There’s a fundraiser everyday at lunch/brunch

24. Everyone is obsessed with O.C, One Tree Hill, or Laguna Beach

25. Everyone wishes we had lights on our field, so we could get the real high school football experience

26. There’s not one single distinct style

27. There seems to be new people at our school everyday

28. You’re probably in the Key Club, Interact Club, Recycling Club, or all of the above

29. Literally EVERY single lock is black, you had to pay $5 to use you’re locker, and you don’t even understand why

30. Really the only cliques here are: the Drama kids and the Asian Crew

31. No matter, what you’re mostly proud to be from A-town

32. People talk about myspace like it�s real life

33. there is always some kind of drama going on whether its yu or yur frends or someone else

34. Pple wear red and black almost evry day EXCEPT FRiday wen yur SUPPOSED to wear it


35. lunch dentention with Valmonte in HELLA fun theres alwais something ot laugh at!

36. youve said PEACE UP A-TOWN DOWN at LEAST once

37. the only rallies worth watching are the “Dance Rules” rallies but somehow you always end up watching each rally until its over

38. dententions mean absolutely NOTHING to you if you’re friends with Gabe and Josea

39. you are aware of the fact that your Dean was kicked out of school 5 times

40. trouble is forgotten if you can beat Valmonte at basketball

41. you don’t use “Mr” or “Mrs” in the classroom, you call your teachers/deans/principals/counselors by their last names

42. Allekotte gives you late passes

43. 4/20 is a special occasion and if forgotten, its considered a sin

44. u no u can get susspended 4 farting on sum1 !! LMAO

45. you own a pair of converse

46. your english teacher is a complete skitzo/psycho/ JUST WEIRD IN SUM WAY! CUZ THEY ALL ARE! BUT THERE ALL HELLA FUNNI!!!

47. you noe whitch teachers not to say “GAY” in front of

48. you kno what “the pyramid” is

49. “NO OFF CAMPUS LUNCH” means absolutely nothing to you

50. you hate p.e.

51. the announcements always have a way of makin`you lauff

52. yu go to club/team meetings just for the free food

53. the parole officer told you to cut class instead of getting in trouble for being late haha

54. you kno the security guards by name

55. you or someone you kno lives close enough to cut to

56. When they play music at lunch and mostly everyone is either dancing or singing.

57. When the office messengers come in during the middle of your class and give you your detention for cutting in front of everyone.

58. you actually want to come back when u graduate just to hang with ur friends at lunch hour adn no one cares.

59. Everyone knows we have the best dance team and they rule over all other schools and squads!! and the captian’s are always bitches!!

60. Everyone goes to the rallies to watch the spirit squad performances.. Rally commissioners don’t relly mean anything to you..

61. Whether you bring food to school or not.. you always end up in the lunch line buying crap for food..

62. You know what groups hang out where.. who’s in them.. and who they get along with and don’t..(WE GOT THA PERAMID)

63. Everyone either smoked before school, smokes during passing periods/breaks, or is about to go smoke.


Gorgeous Weekends

pinky Pinky. My bueno amigo jus had his diece-siete over at the very luxorious comfor inn! And hey! At 81 dollars a night it better be right? Hella heads attended, our friend Jose C. showed up with his amigos Coron & Pacific. Twas a badass hotel room let me tell ya…hot red lights in the bathroom plus large amounts of marijuana equals girls too fucked up to get themselves out of the tub. I think I look a lot like a vampirein that pic and Pinky looks a tad crazy. As for this one it kinda appears as if my girl is a little nervous that the person holding her up might hit the deck any minute. in this pic I am reminded of big bird from sesame street, jus because. So anyway, it was a crackin night, I imitated Pinky, I noted the striking physical, and social similarities between these twins and oh yes they are fucking twins even though they “supposedly” say that they were born eleven months apart, thats horseshit. Joe-sef looked all washed up and ever so trashed. The same could be said for Caitlin who was showin off her own greenish complexion after her deep conversation with Jose C. As for me, I spent a lot of time on the bed with that hot girlfriend of mine. Hellova bed too, the bloodstained matress, the crispy sheets, and the bullet holes in the bed frame. Hell of a time, jus wait till your 18th Pinkster.

So other than attending supreme hotel parties I have been keepin busy with a plethora of michevious late night activities. Going to local shows with Joe-sef and the cigarette smoking Natalie. Or whether it be spotting Fahaad & the guy they call “Taco” while we are on the hunt for gang wars downtown. Maybe I enjoy takin photos of Joe sportin a face like he smells some piss. Than there was the time when we trashed Nat’s car. Most recently, we celebrated Poptart’s birfday at TGIF Fridays where he thorougly enjoyed the plush gift I gave him, him and his dirty ass crizzotch. From what I could tell, I think J-boy was havin a hellova time and aint that jus right.

War of the worlds in 30 seconds
Crazy sidewalk art
Huge buildings
Mondo burger
Remember these toys?!

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