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Tinky Winky!

Consider this a belated but very sincere happy birthday to one of my, and ya better believed we celebrated in style orderin up some bacon wrapped in bacon wrapped in a cube of butter deep fried with ranch for dipping at TGI mutha fuckin F Fridays. I enjoyed the girl to me ratio that night , although I could have done without nasty ass quesidilla that did not agree-a with my tummy nor my bowels. Sick. Other than that though I’ve been takin pics of joe talkin on my old phone, along with lighting those sword weed things on fire on tennis courts late at night. Oh did I mention I made yearbook photo staff? Who woulda thunk that? I guess I got the whole school’s administration on the jock eh? Still liftin the weights, im up to 1…toyota , I keed, I did hit 275 on the bench though which was my goal for the first semester and I am determined to hit 315 by the time I graduate from this zoo.

I spent this past weekend in Pacific Grove, my old roots, watchin my girl win a swim in some cold, bitchy waters, I thought the whole thing was inspirational, I mean…if she can do it why can’t anybody? Why…I bet even this special lil fella could give it a go. In all honesty though I was proud of her, it’s one thing to do the damn thing and swim more than a mile, it’s another to get 2nd place. This pic cracks me up looks like a papparazi shot, she liked this pic cause it looks hallmarky, and it does! Bitches. Click here to see the rest of the pics I took from the weekend Some are in here too.

The next post will be better and beefier, I got the biography page up along with some other ones. Do me a fatty favor and click my adds. Danny Marchette already made my ass more than 15 bucks, thanks ya lil skirt fuck.

Special Batman
Where the power rangers went
Poor Miss Lohan

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