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Spring Break ’05

Oh how I missed you all so very much! Spring break set a new standard for what is “the shit” and what quite frankly…no longer is. Example? beer pong is the shit, bobbing for diet A&W inna tub full of ice…no longer is. But I’ll get back to that..Now how many of you can say that you and your buddy fuckin tripped it a buncha hours and even more miles to Cal Poly to stay wiff his brudda and his frat fellas? Cause…I can say that. Musta been about five or six hours my ass was lucky enough to plop down on Eebsies heated, reclinable, leather seats in his smooth sailin vehicle. Ten CD’s and two Double-Doubles later we arrived at the SAE house and were greeted with quite a view not to mention this chilled out herbivore that goes by Grant. Lotta shallow days and hollow night spent at this pad, video games were played, bombass steak was eaten, and Eebs and I both got to know Brooke the dog. Oh yeh, they had a goat in the backyard too. AND an outside couch that pictures were takin on, hell, Eebs got one in as well. That’s really all the photos my conscience will permit me to put up, we got reps to uphold knaw mean? Let the imagination soar on that one 😉

Onwards to Santa Barbara, home of the sexy ass beaches and very laid back bicycle riders (as oxymoronic as that sounds). There we stayed with Eeb’s sister, in her amazin abode that she was inhabited by her fellow sorority sisses. They didn’t have a goat or anything but they get to walk in their backyard every morning and look out onto this. Santa Barbara seems to be a hellova place, did I mention the beaches? and Matty boy got down jus about every night but our biggest night had to be the Santa Barbara Houseparty…It went like this: two keggers chilled by Mr. Kegorater, mucho sausage, females looked like they were facing extinction cause I only saw a couple, and by a couple I mean one and two. I forgot to catch anyones name at that fiesta..but by the end of the night they had all heard of Brady and Eebs, the rugby playing Yale students visiting family in Santa Barbara. I made buddy buddies with terminator, these guys, jesus, these bias, shit man, even made frisky with Eebs himself. I duwanna list anymore peopole so I wont. Few hours into the wild and crazy rumpus we departed and made our many unfaltering steps down the street, past the bob marley house, stopped so Eebs could water a bush, and took a picture mid-sneeze. 4:30 rocked and rolled around, our bellies ready to foam back up any minute, so we fell asleep in the car. End of story. Morals? Park close.

Got home last night and took immediate advantage of my newfound bronzey glow and headed over to my ol pal Sasha’s, she’s the one who was rockin the soda filled ice tub, dint stay too long, in fact…I kinda jacked some of her guests and brought em back to my place for popcorn and lemonade. Room was pretty full but we made do. Natalie made an appearance too, with her busted ass cholar bone. Buncha the ladies threw together some flyass fan signs, Melissa made one, Natalie did one, and even this girl did one (whos name escapes me..)

Oh by the way did you happen to notice the April Fools MySpace page? Eh, eh? :D. Good junk eh? Jeez some of you fools take some shit hella seriously, I got about four assloads of e-mails from my most concerned of viewers and angered bias who swore to never come back to NBHQ and even some creepy emo fools who wanted to swap pics. Ixnay on the emo trash, thanks anyways. Love and peace sweethearts.

The Official Pope Countdown
Worlds Ugliest Shirt
Crazy ass rap sheet
Solar Death Ray

The Goblets of Rock Were Raised!

Yeh well I hope you know this is the third time im typin this sonofabitch post out, I accidentally closed the damn thing twice already, rabbits foot don’t fail me now! So lotta haps in the past few days love bein busy tho knaw mean? Anyway, Kai and I, we was chillin at my palace, really up to no good, he was in the front room gettin his pater walo skills on with my big black ball while I was in my room, tryin on lingerie. This went on for far too long until Eebshit us up, hard, apparently he wasn’t the only with the jones in his bones for rockin. It was rainin out, but we don’t have a very high combined brain cell count, I had my guitar strapped round my neck slippin and slidin down muddy declines while Kai tooka leak, that’s a hot pic huh? Whatever, freaks…got to Eebs, ran the last part with my axe swingin like…testicles..or something, which were also wet. Jay Kay. Anywhoo all I had was my acoustic so I had to compete with the awesome power that is the strat / marshall amp combo!. And with its powers combined! We were rockin like beasts! It was mad good times man, I got all black and white, seemed to catch on too, cause eebs got it too!. Hell man it was addictive, Kai himself tried to get in on the mix, but he needed a little pat on the rear to get his little ninja ass in gear! Soon enough it was like a collective jam 18 strings in the mix, 6 hands workin overtime to find that rhythym so that Eebs could ignite it with his flaming solo, and I was doin my hardest to lay down the fly rhythym. Battling axes man, me then Eebs, yeh we was jammin alright jammin hard, and that was that.

Jus realized I haven’t been to Pinky’s in some days, that’s no good like I said, Imma busy bia and dontcha ferget iot. Went to the gym with my pops yesterday, I made him lay straight across the benchpress structure and I repped him a couple of times, no biggy. Yeh, oh did I mention he left the keys in the ignition and locked us out of the car? Our phones were in the car too, remember that low brain cell count I mentioned earlier? Well its hereditary. We walked home from the YMCA, a good hour and a half speed walk, with my pops thighs squeaking together all the while, but it’s cool cause I was too, coulda started a fire with them things, or at least make some sweet cricket music. Got home to a locked door, oh did I mention my dad left the keys in the fucking car?? So I had to hope my girth-alicious gluteous maximus through my dink ass window. Whatta day hmm?

I was talkin to Ash the other day, apparently, after falling victim to dumbass-itis she finally got her pics on her digital camera to transfer onto her computer, and I share some with you now: heres that one of me and ash where I got a faded smile, TEE HEE ^_^. heres that one of me carrying miho cause she was takin a little nap at Eebsies new years bash. Actually all these pics Ash sent me are a few months old, but far from stale! Heres a crew shot of me and my drinkin buddies. I like this pic cause Matty boy is a lil seepy himself, oh how cute! Speakin of kizzute, heres Eebs and Kelly and Eebs and Meg, quite simply precious!

So todays Monday, some holiday? Maybe? All I know is it’s hella nice outside and I got about infinity assloads of homework I gotta do now while all the other boys and girls play jacks outside :(. All is bueno though, this was pretty the best weekend ever, I have a very deep appreciation for scary movies, huffalump mutha fucka!

Before I leave you all, wanna let ya know that the rumors are true; I am sorta workin on a new layout for the site, I think imma keep the whole dropdown menu thing cause I’ve got nothing but positive feedback about it, but if you wanna be a jerk guy and talk some schmack feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] and say it to my inbox bia! Azn Fury himself suggested I go in a orange and blue direction, and I know better than to get on his bad side, so I’m thinkin NBHQ is orange/blue bound. Keep checkin back for updates and sign my guestbook again 🙂

Etai wore this on a shirt and got expelled from my school
Crazy news where im from
6 Legged Frog
Crazy mars site
Funny biblical captions
A funny Jiff! Giff, Geff?
Submit your site to 300 search engines free!

Six Five Ohhhhh Thats Livin

So the other day Randy picked me up from squaragon, and we went cruisin cause it was sucha grand day outside, and pretty shitty inside. We saw our far shares of views, drove across the bridge, chill speed ahead, the water at our side, and if you don’t believe me, heres another shot. Seems like a lotta cats my age are gettin bored with this great city / town we call San Mateo, for all those felines, I would suggest that you get out and go see something like this, or something like this, and trust me, it looks tight. Rollin around in Randys regal onna clear blue Tuesday is a hellova day, and aint that jus right that we finish it up with some delicious fine mexican cuisine from nachos?

The week is a week thats been pretty damn killer, haven’t gone home after school inna while, spittin tapioca pearls at squirrels with Pinky, ( with no intent of harming helpless creatures ). Splittin my fingers open pluckin his rusty guitar strings, eatin all his dads tasty pastries, while listening to his dehumidifier type out a message. It’s the house he lives in man, its the memories, the fact hes gotta move, its the facts the wondering if I’ve got somethin to prove. Oh did I mention I’ve been writing again? At this epidemic of a pace, did I mention, I’ve been spilling again and its because of your curvy face? Call it a revival, a new muse, call it what you will, the only thing, the everything that I know is that I have a lot to spill. I got more pages of words than I really know what to do with, once I come close to being down I might start postin some up here but for now I expect you all to hang at the edge of your seatss. I’ve been listening to a lot of different stuff lately so that might kinda impact my style, for the most part its all Atmosphere and The Beatles, and some Satan-worshipping death metal that Kizz hooked me up with. So I guess I have a writing style its sorta dark angry and timeless :D.

My rooms “a big shittin mess” as my momma would say, haven’t been home to clean it, which is clean in itself. I wanna change my room around, fake people out so they think it’s bigger than it is, maybe take down some of these posters that I’ve had on my wall since middle school. It’d be nice to change a lotta stuff boot this house, I don’t like having a fat guy live upstairs, hearing the damn ceiling buckle every time he migrates to the crapper is something a little disconcerning. All I can do is retaliate with a cute little woofer and some beat to my bass..

So its February now, January was a pretty good month for NBHQ, about 15,000 different people visiting, a little over a million hits and about 70 gigs of data served and received which is a real assload. I was checkin out the stats, lookin at what words and phrases people type into search engines when NBHQ.NET is returned and heres what I came up with:

free animals xxx
free xxx stocking picks
animals fuckin xxx
why female barn owls wingspan bigger male barn owls wingspan
animal fuckers
grunge hats
spiderman tribal pics
i need to buy a house for me and my dogs
san mateo and brady
funny video bear and treadmill
mare s urine in lipstick
lush burger
funny gross shit
phobia of peanut butter sticking to the ruff of your mouth
fat girls in party hats
shit house babes
some very very very scary girls and boys

Now thats some crazy shit, and you guys, whoever is typin this stuff in…you some weird guys and gals thats all I gotta stay… 😛 Now im flippin exhausted, and I need to go hit my shower as hard as I can and dry off thouroughly afterward 😉 Oh by the way, last month posts, along with all the other posts every made can be found here, that is all..

Coolest Jump Ever
Little Machine Sculpture Things
Penguins are soo cool
You never know when you might need…
Best Honda Ever
Video Game Wallpapers

All I Know is Everything

First of all, its 9:27 PM and my momma jus made din din for herself, rice with something, fills this whole place with a fart-like aroma that tugs at each one of my nose hairs, damn thats vile and I’m not even the one who has to eat it. Second of all, my good companion Cahill got hisself a FOUR DAY SUSPENTION for getting caught changing his grade, my grade, and Shell Fish’s grade in our english class, me and Shell were careful not to divulge to anyone that Cahill did it, but he balled it out and confessed. Aint thatta bitch, I hope his parents don’t chew his ass too hard, cause he needs that ass for women fishing. Keep yer head up Kay-Hizz.

Did I mention I got my student ID card today, looks jus as normal as the other two but I think the flash scared my hair into a frantic state. Who knows… I can’t sleep, my mind keeps racing around and I think about everything too much, and I don’t mean that in a profound wannabe EMO way at all, I jus miss slumber. It’s like im theres a constant debate in my head and I’m contemplating the differently between logic and moral, and how to cope with hate and anger, and love and hugs. Either way not a single drop of drool has touched my pillow for some time now, and i miss waking up to the smell of my own oral secretions.

You notice how Jay-Z has been mixing his Black Album tunes with what seems to be every artist lately? Well there was the Grey Album where DJ Dangermouse mixed JAY-Z lyrics with Beatles tunes and that was bitchin as all get out. Than I see Jay himself bouncin around on a stage with Linkin Park and that was the shit to say the least, and now, which I’m sure almost no one knows about cept for me and Pinky theres the Double Black Album which is Jay-Z and Metallica, good god it’s awesome, I haven’t found a full download link yet but you can click here for a little audio sample, which is assloads better than nothing. Enjoy.

Come Closer
Design your own Superhero
My Superhero
Some weirdass…text
Star Wars Episode 3 Trailer ( For Pinky )
Buy one of my friend’s computers

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