What More Can I Say?
They say the world is still turning but its hard to see with lovestung eyes
Step after step through this infinite heavy
Sharpening every thought, while trying to keep steady
Moonlit tales and starlit pearls,
The familiar dream with the golden curls
The song has yet to change though this verse is new
The meaning is full, the words are few
Drown in this pain, paddle with your heart
If theres no need to end, why restart?
Surrender to this love and fight the fight, live to redeem
It’s the skys that are weeping, for they have lost their queen
The clouds are starting to sink, we can’t be saved now
Time is the cure my dear, and she begs to know how
Whats more is gone, whats less is the feeling
What more can I say?
Hopefully my verses can be a consolation for my lack of posting as of late, sorry fellas and ladies, I’ll be gettin on my eyes soon, (lemme stretch first). Anyway one reason why I haven’t posted (among so many more important things) was because my elderly keyboard was all outta wack from being dropped too many times *COUGHRANDYCOUGH* so the [ ENTER ], [ BACKSPACE ], [ LEFT ], and [ 1 ] keys were all not working so I jus picked up a new one today. Along with shellin out twenty bucks for a very regular keyboard, I went runnin with Randy in Foster City. Probably the best one I’ve ever done, we ran a buncha miles, along the water, under the San Mateo bridge, through the thick soup fog, with my best friend Randy. Its a hell of a thing to know someone since preschool and to be runnin alongside him twelve short years later. It’s a hell of a thing.
New Years Eve Party at Matt’s was good times, lotsa heads showed up, probably peaked at about 30 or so, and I was deeemd bouncer, although I didnt really bounce too many people. Beer bongs were used spontaneous hugs were issued the formal dress code was followed. Was good times though, those guys from Serra (all dude school) were good people, this chic is cool too, too bad she got super blasted and required me carryin her outside to “water the bushes”, and when I saw water, I mean..the act of regurgitation. This chic couldn’t stop calling more people over so *I threw her out on the street and told her there were rules in life…* So heres a pic of the host with the most Matty Ebert himself! And if your wondering how you can view ALL of the pics of that night, go ahead and crick here * That was total bullshit I made up *
Finals are near, and I was looking into something when my boy Curran sent me here, made me chuckle but than I went back to pretending I was looking into something. Finals suck.
So of course I have to say something about the Tsunami, I think it’s horrible and shouldnt be taken lightly, so thats pretty much all I’m gonna say, and I am amazed at the courage, tenacity and unity of the human race, check out this footage of a tidal wave comin towards a hotel, that must have been absolutely terrifying…Anyway click click here to donate money to the relief fund, I’ve put in 2 bucks at my school, every bit helps.
Keep on keepin on, I’ll be runnin, and we’ll be flyin again soon enough girl.
– Spiderman Flash Movie (funny)
– This guy performs all the sonic the hedgehog tunes
– Quite a Shaming
– Satellite Photos of the Tsunami
– Car got snowed in
– Make your own southpark dude
– Pinky would love this
– How to be Emo
– Make your own southpark dude
Hard Rock Livin
Got my first night of real sleep last night, all the rest didn’t count, this morning was a different morning because I counted it. One down. Hard rock music is how I’m feelin today, give me the tones, feed me H.I.M. and Finch is a good band. I got up pretty early and ate some shitty cheerios for breakfast in one of those dwarf boxes. Washed it down with some Chrys. Ruffles himself came over this mornin sportin his third car inna month. This onesa popo mobile complete with eight cylinders and a cool blue coord thingy and hard beat. Too bad he crashes all his cars, and almost ran me over when I tried to take a pic of em. Pretty sweet ride though, luxury interior, illegal tinted windows jus like Randy’s.
So yesterday, my pops picked me up to go to Hitwall so I could rock the guitar lika mutha fuckin killer. He slapped the bass around while I made my six string cry out loud. Got a nice lil session in before another band came in and gave us dirty looks for using their amps :P. Anyway I wasn’t about to get in a fight with a guy who speaks fluent klingon and probably carrys a phaser so we got outta there. Oh wanna hear somethin funny? My dad went through a carwashatta gas station, and halfway through it a chunk of bumper fell off. Pretty funny huh? Oh and his antanne snapped off too, hah frickin hah. Well if that dint make your serious ass laugh, maybe this pic of my cousin will.
Oh and also, ya know how I’ve been goin to the gym almost nightly with Eebs? Well the only reason I get it is because he flashes his card real quick and tells em I’m his brother Grant. So I try to kinda keep my head low and not make eye contact with the guys at the desk and get into the lockerroom ay-sap. Wull that worked for almost 2 weeks till last night, one of the new fucks musta looked Grants pic up on the computer and asked “Whens your birthday Grant.” Busted as fuck, had to pay the TWENTY DOLLAR guest fee, which I still owe him. Aint…thatta..bitch. Jus thought I’d share.
Now if you’ll notice on the right side of the site where it says how many people are online, its been over 100 almost all day peaking at almost 200. If your wondering what thats from, its the fact that our shoebox system section was featured on the legendary CollegeHumor. That also put NBHQ over the 1,000,000 hits mark. Ahhta way! Until next time bitches. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals
– Government : 1 – Drugs : 0
– A Frickin Laser!
– Site jacked my radio!
– Tee hee
– Howard Stern Grilled Cheese
– Band Name Maker
Fer Sizzler
So this is the first post on the brand spankin new news script, lot more features, like word count, Antispam capabilities, and ya can’t forget this clean new look. I know it’s not totally stretched out, I’ll fix that when I fix it, but for now you can enjoy in all its squished glory.
So anyway, I felt that the bird was dry, but my wonderful Zia( who claims to read the site daily, and also threatend me if I posted that pic of her ) seemed to enjoy it. Did I mention I ate the dinner at my Nano’s (Italian for grampa I think), he can’t cutta bird like my Uncle, but boy can he inhale one. Dinner took way to long to get on the table, so I busied myself with creating a perfect boxing dinosaur etch-a-sketch drawing for which I received much praise and acclaim. I also ventured beyond the confines of my Nano’s “very expensive black iron fence” and into the vastness of his backyard Orchard with my other zia she pointed at stuff, I looked on, than I climbed up a tree By the time we were done with that jibba jabba we could see that the bird has landed and we could hear the angry spearing of the forks beginning.
Dinner was aight, once again those candied yams took the pie, hadda little coffee that tasted like cinnamon, made some funny faces with the cousins and maintained composure while the evil ankle nibbling shitdogs from hell jumped all over everyone.
So I went home with my Uncle William, he’s the good one, the one I get my height and positive traits from. Heez gotta flippin sweet pad over in Danville, hes got a flippin sweet workplace that he bangs buck with daily, complete witha warehouse of state-of-the-art audio visual equipment, server, and the 178 pound ball of tape oh and did I mention he has his own office…cause he does
First day there we took his batmobile-like Corvette over to Arioness Custom Motorcyle shop, where I was a witness to the supreme awesomeness that lay in front of me, they had some real nice stuff, I picked this one out for myself, but the prices were a little steep. Just for the record, my uncle is the shit.
So I took my camera to school on Wednesday and took some snaps and failed to post em before now so here I go!
Alex lookin funny in 1rst period science/physics class whatever it is, Adam flips me off, Alexa looks flattering between classes, Eebs makes “the face”, Evelynn looks hillarious, My boy Fahaad, John Ferrel with his blonde hair, Classic Grayson expression, John boy,Funniest photo I’ve taken inna while,
Leonard COX, Ricky, Kelsie’s old paperboy that got fired, Wong. And my pops sent me this portrait Allison did of me when I was jus a wee bia.
– Britney Out-white-trashes herself
– Aska Genie
– Holy Ode to Bob Saget
– Blatent Sexism is funny
– How to throw cards lika ninja
– Best MySpace Ever
This Post Has A Title
Gee golly gosh am I tired… I’ve been doin my triathalon workouts everyday which involves bikin like 16 miles, and I run about 4 miles right after, than I finish it off wiff some laps in the pool. I’m jus tryin to get my triathlete-ness on. Thats been my major haps lately. As for the minor haps, I joined up with my boys from Compton, also known as N.W.A. (Nicky With Attitude). We’ve been kickin it pretty hard up at C-Point and Eazy even let my polish his 10 and kick it wit his bitches, and Dre had up rollin down the street smokin endo, and sippin on gin and juice, we were hella laid back too. Yeh ya know I’ve also done my fair of chillin and gellin with some fellas and G’s from the Easy East Saheed, gerd times.
Yeh and good ol Eebs calls me up asks “Can I Kick it?” I reply “YES YA CAN.” He came by the other day, grilled up a big
hunka fish, I guess I forgot to mention that like most of my buds and buddettes, Eebs is a hellova gourmet chef, who, among “kicking it up a knotch” enjoys rockin the axe, and smokin the stacks, and that aint to brax bia. So anyway, Eebs papi had caught this sucker the day before, gave up a hellova fight, but once again man prevailed over fish, and Mr. Eebs actually snatched the bia out of the water by the fin. Awesome. Yeh so Eebs went to work on the fish outside while I made sure the couch still worked. Yeh so I duwanna talk anymore aboot fish, so heres the before and uh…I guess there no after cause we ate it took quick. Oh and all in the midst of things, I got bubbles in my hair.
So few days after that Eebs and I headed up to the city to pay our homage to the most kickass of streets ever, the Haight and Asbury, cause we wanted to buy stuff, cool stuff… I ended up buyin my girl a hat with that totally badass hibiscus flower on it, I bought myself a hat to wear naked around the house. So anyway, when all was said and done, I came home with all this. Yeah, Haight is the shit, hope to go again soon.
Had Pinky over yesterday, played a lil handball, and very little wiffleball, cause both of us enjoy hittin shit hard with our hands and wiffles, and Pinky always “did it like this, did it like that”, and he finally got a chance to do it with a wiffeball bat. Of course because he smokes about 14 cigs a day he had to be hooked up to his iron lung between innings, but he still had time to pose with MY pimp hat and all that crazy jive. So after our quick lil handball tourney or “intense physical workout” as Pinky put it, he decided to hop in the pool (video), he also thought the ground looked rather amusing or something it coulda jus been cause he was lightheaded from the lack of breathing. Anyway, he really tested his lungs when he tried to swim (video) the length of my pool underwater which is a feet that most four-legged mammals can accomplish, but failed misserably and barked at me to go grab him a pack of newports. And with that he concluded his poolside antics with a elegantly executed dousche twirl.
So today is a new day, and I’ve really done jack shit, I guess the sore is catchin up to me, cause I feel like lead, and my computer seems like its sick in the head. I think its time I take it out back and put it out of its misery, cause its gettin crazy. Monitor starts jigglin, text starts jiggin, and than my dad stopped shakin me…just kiddin. Seriously though its been goin haywire, tried to turn it on this mornin and the system bell made this long ass beep, the kind you hear the heart monitors make when someone flatlines, which could be a shatty omen. Had to work on it, reset the CMOS and BIOS, mess with CPU voltages, but thats the best part of wakin up. But of course I fixed it and that jus catapulted me into a rather sly mood, so I decided to do a lil outside prowling and break into my neighbors garage cause I coulda sworn I saw somma my preciously precious belongings in there but it turns out they’re still in West Virginia ;). Anyway, I actually unscrewed the little keyhole thing on the garage panel and jus rubbed the 2 wires together and SHAZAM, no open-sesame needed. Turns out they dint have any of my shit, so I jus pissed in the corner and went home.
Hope you all have been enjoyin the many updates I’ve been makin to the sections, I wanna beef up all the content as much as I can before school starts. Knaw mean? I’ve also got a new layout in mind for version 7. If you have any suggestions for me, be sure to comment otherwise its gonna be mostly blues and white. Oh oh oh, I almost forgot to mention that I made a new NBHQ Shirt cheaper than ever, (10 bucks), I am commanding everyone to buy one, cause the little profit I make will go to the “Make Brady Richer” foundation, anyway click here to check out the shirt. Please please please buy it, and tell me if you do.
One more thing before I go break into another garage; I’m currently looking for more sites to affiliate with so if your interested please go here and please sign my guestbook, and now I leave you with a little conversation I had with one of my Canadian buds:
P.S. check out the new SOC section and the askme section, oh and I didn’t really pee in my neighbors garage dipshits