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Spring Break ’05

Oh how I missed you all so very much! Spring break set a new standard for what is “the shit” and what quite frankly…no longer is. Example? beer pong is the shit, bobbing for diet A&W inna tub full of ice…no longer is. But I’ll get back to that..Now how many of you can say that you and your buddy fuckin tripped it a buncha hours and even more miles to Cal Poly to stay wiff his brudda and his frat fellas? Cause…I can say that. Musta been about five or six hours my ass was lucky enough to plop down on Eebsies heated, reclinable, leather seats in his smooth sailin vehicle. Ten CD’s and two Double-Doubles later we arrived at the SAE house and were greeted with quite a view not to mention this chilled out herbivore that goes by Grant. Lotta shallow days and hollow night spent at this pad, video games were played, bombass steak was eaten, and Eebs and I both got to know Brooke the dog. Oh yeh, they had a goat in the backyard too. AND an outside couch that pictures were takin on, hell, Eebs got one in as well. That’s really all the photos my conscience will permit me to put up, we got reps to uphold knaw mean? Let the imagination soar on that one 😉

Onwards to Santa Barbara, home of the sexy ass beaches and very laid back bicycle riders (as oxymoronic as that sounds). There we stayed with Eeb’s sister, in her amazin abode that she was inhabited by her fellow sorority sisses. They didn’t have a goat or anything but they get to walk in their backyard every morning and look out onto this. Santa Barbara seems to be a hellova place, did I mention the beaches? and Matty boy got down jus about every night but our biggest night had to be the Santa Barbara Houseparty…It went like this: two keggers chilled by Mr. Kegorater, mucho sausage, females looked like they were facing extinction cause I only saw a couple, and by a couple I mean one and two. I forgot to catch anyones name at that fiesta..but by the end of the night they had all heard of Brady and Eebs, the rugby playing Yale students visiting family in Santa Barbara. I made buddy buddies with terminator, these guys, jesus, these bias, shit man, even made frisky with Eebs himself. I duwanna list anymore peopole so I wont. Few hours into the wild and crazy rumpus we departed and made our many unfaltering steps down the street, past the bob marley house, stopped so Eebs could water a bush, and took a picture mid-sneeze. 4:30 rocked and rolled around, our bellies ready to foam back up any minute, so we fell asleep in the car. End of story. Morals? Park close.

Got home last night and took immediate advantage of my newfound bronzey glow and headed over to my ol pal Sasha’s, she’s the one who was rockin the soda filled ice tub, dint stay too long, in fact…I kinda jacked some of her guests and brought em back to my place for popcorn and lemonade. Room was pretty full but we made do. Natalie made an appearance too, with her busted ass cholar bone. Buncha the ladies threw together some flyass fan signs, Melissa made one, Natalie did one, and even this girl did one (whos name escapes me..)

Oh by the way did you happen to notice the April Fools MySpace page? Eh, eh? :D. Good junk eh? Jeez some of you fools take some shit hella seriously, I got about four assloads of e-mails from my most concerned of viewers and angered bias who swore to never come back to NBHQ and even some creepy emo fools who wanted to swap pics. Ixnay on the emo trash, thanks anyways. Love and peace sweethearts.

The Official Pope Countdown
Worlds Ugliest Shirt
Crazy ass rap sheet
Solar Death Ray

A Noche Con Mi Homies

Spring bah-reakkk babyyy, a time for relaxation, a time for lustful fixations, and a time for CELEBRATION BITCHES! Better believe I brought the NBHQ Cam to school on Friday, Tony must have been tipped off or something cause he came to first period rockin that badass Chevy’s hat…We too thisthis really cool pic too, and if that doesn’t cure your erecticle dysfunction nothing will..cept maybe this…, which would be the nasty ass sinks that our science class which also act as a convienant trash receptacle. Alex is the only kid I know that can sleep standing up, while making that rediculous bird face. As usual, third period Electronics was the shit, had a pot luck of ginormic proportions, Matt did the truffle shuffle (1.7 mb), and got thumbs up from Tyler and my number one fan John, but not long after the rasing of the thumbs, my fan numero uno and Tyler went back to their supercool sword catalogue, try not to chop off a thumb guys ! (good one) Fast ass forwarding to the joyful trot from my last class to clear out my locker for the break I was fortunate enough to witness the ritualistic pre-spring break wall rub, but than they saw me so I was obligated to join in , sadly it didn’t last long and the entranced ladies dispersed and Emily stuck it to me. I’m thankful that I lived to tell about it and be a part of sucha cool photo. Check out all the photos from school by clicking here.

Night fell, the moon went up, liquid remover of my inhibitions slowly foamed out of my cup, and man oh man how the evening was great, how it was loud, how the one smile turned into a crowd, and the head in window turned out to be friendly, it turned out to be smug, the four lips combined followed the curve while they both cut up the rug. I mean…these sons a bitches came to my place of residence, so did this guy, and this one oh and don’t forget the ninja. Brett schmoked about twenty-seven black n milds and even got momma Brady hooked…shit man Brett man was all up on my momma, that made both Kairon and me put on our scared faces. But if you think about it..Brett man was all up on Tina too…soo…anyone like emo’d out pictures? How bout pictures that turn from dark to light fast enough to trigger your dormant case of epilepsy? Hey, brett blew chunks, embarassed yet fufilled Chunks left shortly after, (if you don’t get that joke check you are deserving of a kick to the colon). Heres the video of Brett yaking – Here ( 2.7 MB ). Needless to say he passed the fuck out
and spent the night on my couch and I bet he smoked about fourteen more black n milds in his sleep. That was that. Oh and doesn’t it look like Kai is playin the air keyboard here?. Check out all the good times that were had by clicking here.

Check out the badass drawing that big trav spent like two weeks on. And YES that is supposed to me on the floor passed out with an “NBHQ” shirt and Kai behind the fishtank. Oddly enough you can spot both the Virgin Mary and Hay-zoos himself painted and framed on the wall, which is supposed to be the “irony in the piece,” Trav the sav.

One more day till the 17-year old Eebs and I depart for Cal Poly and Santa Barbara so we can thourougly “review some campuses” and what not. But in that day prior I give ya my word I will do my more than least to try to get the majority of the content uploaded so the 404 guy can get his come uppins! Hey do me a fave? Sign the book

Pimp my tank!
So cops cant get your plate number
Sideways Room
picture of the infamous fingertip in the wendys chili
how to tell a kid his parents died
Roids anyone?

And Heres To the Next 300!

Here we are, post number THREE HUNDRED, and almost three years after post numero uno still kickin strong, still gettin stronger bitches. It’s crazy to look back in the archives and read somma the crazyass jibba jabba I used to write…A year ago (to the day) I was tellin you guys to say “I won a math debate” five times fast and was giving “props to Shell Fish for turnin me onto Atmosphere,” damn how bout that? That was probably boring enough for you guys to read this first time :P. So anyway I take this time to share with you some of the funny / good time shit that made these past 300 news posts memorable:

Now you and I both know I left a lot out, it would impossible to do a full recap on more than three great years of NBHQ’ing, so I suggest you pay more attention this time around for the next three and beyond my bretherin and sistahly sistahs. I thank you all for the hundreds of great comments you all have left, I wish my arms were long enough to hug you all at the same time.

I am quite sorry it’s been so long since my last post, and I am quite sorry if this isnt quite the comeback you expected but its like lovin…It’s what I got. Went to the Pepper concert the other day, or week, or something :P. Pepper kicks ass, they played “Bulls on Parade” by RATM, and even Smells Like Teen Spirit, that’s pretty darn cool in my book of whats cool and what isnt, and if you’ll turn the page you will find that your cool enough to be taking up most of my mind! See now im starting to ramble, this post sucks.

I wanna finish getting all the content up so when you click shit it does’nt give the 404 page, so I’ll try to get that up very, very soon. So far I got the lovers and friends page up that has a link to jus aboot everyones frickin MySpace. Added about 10 new songs to the radio, some good listening. As for the videos, they got featured on CollegeHumor and that’s quite cool if you ask me. And I got these up to, click em:

Well that’s I have to say, spring break is upon us, I am Cal Poly / Santa Barbara bound, it’ll be good times galore, and I’ll be sure to snap a few shots. Enjoy yourselves.

Bush likes heads?
Peter Griffin Soundboard
George foreman goes fuckin crazy
The Mosh Girl
Crazy Keyboard Player
Crazy ass who thinks hes a mermaid
Haha nice picture

P.S. Happy Birthday Chuck

Got A Devils Haircut…In My Mind

Well among several other things, I got my locks cut, my character removed, my haircut…I think it kinda looks like Greek or somethin like this, yeh or maybe not :P. I’m thinkin I’ll be rockin the caps until my shipment of rogaine arrives. Many people may not know this, but my hair is the source of all my powers, without it I can no longer…do supercool stuff. I no longer have computer hacking skills, num-chuck skills, nor my skills with a regulation sized bowstaff… Sad but true…Cause I wont be deleting anymore “Rapid Hair Growth” e-mails for a while..Dot dot dot…

Hell yeah I brought my camera on Friday, took this pic of some freaky ass freshman tryin to spoon in center court, although it looked more like forkin to me! And pardon the blurryness, I was zoomed in by like..INFINITY thanks to my camera that kicks the ass. This guy… who knows. Tony is HELLA black, that’s all I gotta say about him, and don’t tell him I say that..cause he’d prolly kick a little bitta shit outta me. Shown here is my brudda Rich…Here we got a half-assed crew shot together before the masses grew restless and started burnin and lootin. Fej ate his board. The End.

Friday Night. Fellas over, my brosef, Josef attended, even Pinky reared his pink head, and flipped me his pink bird in my direction. Caitlyn drove us everywhere, and made scary faces. Poker was played, a can was kissed, and basically…good times were had…Pinkster prepared breakfast, served me up some cracked out waffles. Matt took emo ass photograph of himself with his eyes closed, cause THATS cool, but it musta caught on cause Ashley did it too, maybe we should make that into something. Maybe…

So heres the new layout, it’s not even close to done, but I was jus so tired of the other one, I tried to make this one brither, and by golly I think I succeeded. Thats all I have to say for now, be sure to comment and tell me what u think, or e-mail me at

The Game…
cracked out simpsons shirt.
old ladies can party hard too
world beard champions

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