Booo Finals
Got that badass camera I was tellin yas aboot, it’s pretty flippin sweet. Why heck, even the box is purrdy. When I first laid eyes upon it I was all like YESSS, this guy thought it was cool, this chic kinda dug it, and my boy was all for it. I was pleased at all the commotion, so I took some shots of my guarddog and one more.
Oh and I also ordered one of those bitchin shirts. I threw it on right quick jus to model it, and I think everyone should buy one. If your local, call me up or talk to me at school, if I can find 15 or more peeps that want one I can sell em for even cheaper, ( I got 10 so far ). Buy up fuckas!
So the other day me and Ruff went to go see Meet the Fockers the other night in Redwood City (not a bad city), now he parked a good 4 minutes away from the front of the theatre cause heez got sucha fine Caprise he dint want anyone fuckin with his goods. Anyway, we get out of the movie, headin towards the car and we find that someone has penetraded his ride’s seemingly impeccable security system. Now whoever did it had to have been dumb as wood cause they busted his entire window only to jack his 30 dollar deck and a stack of burned CDs. They left his bass controller and neglected the two 12 inch subwoofers in his trunk. Well 4 days later, hes got a new window with matching tint and a brand spankin new deck, not too shabby Ruff, not too shabby at all.
Oh and check this out Wong put together today:
Anyway, that’s all for now ladies and gents, expect another juicy post tommorow.
– Alien Loves Predator
– Most Annoying Things of 2004
– “Iz a sledgehammer”
– Mousepad Couch
– Top 5 Stereotypes
– If your a feline fan..
– Iggy Pop is weird
– Dem cars is purdy
What More Can I Say?
They say the world is still turning but its hard to see with lovestung eyes
Step after step through this infinite heavy
Sharpening every thought, while trying to keep steady
Moonlit tales and starlit pearls,
The familiar dream with the golden curls
The song has yet to change though this verse is new
The meaning is full, the words are few
Drown in this pain, paddle with your heart
If theres no need to end, why restart?
Surrender to this love and fight the fight, live to redeem
It’s the skys that are weeping, for they have lost their queen
The clouds are starting to sink, we can’t be saved now
Time is the cure my dear, and she begs to know how
Whats more is gone, whats less is the feeling
What more can I say?
Hopefully my verses can be a consolation for my lack of posting as of late, sorry fellas and ladies, I’ll be gettin on my eyes soon, (lemme stretch first). Anyway one reason why I haven’t posted (among so many more important things) was because my elderly keyboard was all outta wack from being dropped too many times *COUGHRANDYCOUGH* so the [ ENTER ], [ BACKSPACE ], [ LEFT ], and [ 1 ] keys were all not working so I jus picked up a new one today. Along with shellin out twenty bucks for a very regular keyboard, I went runnin with Randy in Foster City. Probably the best one I’ve ever done, we ran a buncha miles, along the water, under the San Mateo bridge, through the thick soup fog, with my best friend Randy. Its a hell of a thing to know someone since preschool and to be runnin alongside him twelve short years later. It’s a hell of a thing.
New Years Eve Party at Matt’s was good times, lotsa heads showed up, probably peaked at about 30 or so, and I was deeemd bouncer, although I didnt really bounce too many people. Beer bongs were used spontaneous hugs were issued the formal dress code was followed. Was good times though, those guys from Serra (all dude school) were good people, this chic is cool too, too bad she got super blasted and required me carryin her outside to “water the bushes”, and when I saw water, I mean..the act of regurgitation. This chic couldn’t stop calling more people over so *I threw her out on the street and told her there were rules in life…* So heres a pic of the host with the most Matty Ebert himself! And if your wondering how you can view ALL of the pics of that night, go ahead and crick here * That was total bullshit I made up *
Finals are near, and I was looking into something when my boy Curran sent me here, made me chuckle but than I went back to pretending I was looking into something. Finals suck.
So of course I have to say something about the Tsunami, I think it’s horrible and shouldnt be taken lightly, so thats pretty much all I’m gonna say, and I am amazed at the courage, tenacity and unity of the human race, check out this footage of a tidal wave comin towards a hotel, that must have been absolutely terrifying…Anyway click click here to donate money to the relief fund, I’ve put in 2 bucks at my school, every bit helps.
Keep on keepin on, I’ll be runnin, and we’ll be flyin again soon enough girl.
– Spiderman Flash Movie (funny)
– This guy performs all the sonic the hedgehog tunes
– Quite a Shaming
– Satellite Photos of the Tsunami
– Car got snowed in
– Make your own southpark dude
– Pinky would love this
– How to be Emo
– Make your own southpark dude
“It Cant Rain All The Time”
First and foremost:

Went to Megs the other night, good times, good hugs, good people. Dint bring my camera so I dint snap any shots, but I can tell ya the next time I do, I will packin and snappin with this handfull of purestyle. That’s right homies, the next photos you see will be completely ass-shattering compared to those takin by this hunka junk. I suggest you take a step back and try to take that in before you keep reading…
Night before Meg’s I went (R)ollin around town in (R)andys (R)egal, creepin up hills at drive-by speed, bumpin all kinda crazy beats from his trunk fulla twelves and watts. Tinted windows, body black as night, a growl of pistons and cylinders enough to give anyone a fright. So we made our rounds around 94402 and got back to my place, giving Randy jus enough time to get on my computer, and work on his dumb myspace, all the while I was strummin my 6 – string “closin my eyes while slipped away”. Yeh and before I could slip anymore, Randy had busted the shit outta my desk, so I type this to you now with my keyboard on my lap and mouse on my knee, thanks Randy.
Forgot to mention we got a dog in the family now. Now before I go any further, what kind of dog comes to mind when you think of “dog”? More importantly, what kind of dog do you think I would end up with? Wull before your head combusts from that surge of suspence, I’ll jus tell ya, I got a poodle. That’s right, I..own a poodle. Does that make me any less of a man? Maybe. Does it mean estrogen will soon consume me? Probably. All I know is I gotta walk this little ball of curl, and watch it sleep on my bed. It’s a she, and the name “Tina” had been given to her sometime within her life (shes 6) so I can quote Napoleon Dymanite freely now :D. If you don’t understand that last sentence, you deserve to feed my poodle.
Oh by the way, NBHQ is on its new host goin hard, with 5 gigs of space to move around and 100 gigs to dish out to the fans. I’ve already done a lot of updating to the radio in particular, adding a buncha songs, added the Facts and Phobias sections, both great time killers. I updated the music picks section and put in my current song of choice. It’s all good I sware. Well thats all for now, I gotta go pet my poodle. Enjoy my stuff.
– BraBall
– How Tupac Really died
– The best thing to happend to music since BSB!
– Stylish way to keep your iPod warm
– Dollar Collection
– What the ass?
– Preview of PlayStation3
– This guy is harder than Kobe Soz!
– Wanna buy a tank?
– Shitty Ricer Cars
– Kids Scared of Santa
– Spock + Salsa = ?
– Collection of Urban Legends
An Evening With Mr. Campilango
Went with my family into the city to go see Jim Campilango play at Bruno’s. Pretty weird place, one of the strangest menus I’d ever seen, I still no idea what the hell a “Maque Choux” and I’m not totally sure if I ate it or not either, the water was fantastic though :P. Took a while for the food to come, the plates kept shinin in my eye. Seeing Jim play was definately one of the high points of the week, watchin a guy play a guitar with such finesse, watchin his fingers glide from chord to chord, instills a image that I want to aspire to someday become. Anyway I was havin a good time watchin em play until this guy comes and stands in front of me. Why did the only guy taller than me in the whole place hafta come stand in fronta me? Hmm? This guy had to be like 6’8″ / 6’9″ easy, not big tall, kinda giraffey-tall. Whatev, I got to hang with Jim for a sec after the show and I met his parents too.
So after the show, bout midnite my dad and I hit up the studio and put on a lil show of our own he was pluckin the bass while I did some funky guitar work. Was fun, this poster made me laugh, and so did this, oh and this was cool too.
Sites been doin good, got more than 1.5 million hits this month, over 20,000 uniques, and the javascript errors were fixed thanks to my good bud Gerry from new York, and I added alotta content. Well thats that, merry christmas em effers.
– 100 Cool X-Mas Shows
– JZLP Album
– Burger King Guy Song
– Why Women Shouldn’t Bodybuild
– Super Drunk Asian
– Click this funny shit