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Global Fruitball, Big Sodas, Scary Chainsaw Movies, and Ping Pong

My boy Jeff made this for me in math class, kids pretty handy with writing utensils:

Fruitball, the badass game that started a revolution, finally, the gap between produce and athletics was filled! A new sport, for the people, by the people, using the people’s fruit! Well it’s gettin big now baby, rearry big. We are now featured on Alldumb, Jaggle, and TTR2 which are all pretty bigass sites. See?. So basically we got like 150 thousand more hits overnight, and I’m predicting more. Wowee!

Headed over to Eberts house last night for a little late night pong ping with the fellas. Well that shit was shortlived, Mattyboy went chasin after some female tail shortly after my arrival, and that was that. Took the remainin fellas back to my place, sipped on dis, watched the old version of Texas Chainsaw, and than they passed out. Thats that.

Another cool MySpace
Racing Limos
A Cereal Resturaunt
Balloons are dangerous
Maroon 5 Sucks
Aliens invading M&M’s
Trippy Shit
How to make a crappy website
Bad Lohan Photo

Mornings with Maury

Stayed home again today, I really didn’t need to, I think my mom wanted to sleep more than me, whatever im not complainin. I called my dad up round noon, told em it was a snow day and school was closed. He bought it, and we headed to the recording studio my pops rents out. Good times, some homeless dude yelled at us from across the street, said my “boots needed to be filled right away,” I thanked him for the kind reminder and headed in. The coolest thing about the studio is that we get to use all the other people’s stuff without them knowing, so I was killin shit on my dads telecaster and some dudes fatty marshall, and hell yeh I played Voodoo chile on the wah wah.

Well I came through on some of the site upgrades I promised all ya’ll jive turkeys, click here for the brand spankin new guestbook and click here to sign it. Also I added a buncha new tracks to the Radio tracks like all six from the Linkin Park / Jay-Z record, among other things. Well I hope you find this random creation by Nick M. to be to your liking:

Random topic: Does anyone know of a website, or local vendor that pumps out custom bumper sticker / t-shirts? Like if I make the design, they poop it out onna shirt? That’d be great if you do, comment if you do, comment if you don’t.

Buy my old monitor
Pimp my Pixel
Clothes for butterfaces
Remember that tape ball I told you about?
Google Image Search for Cahill

Leaky Beek

No school for me today, woke up with a drool soaked pillow, and yellow snot encrusted on both nostrils. I woke up at 7:56 and went back to sleep until 2:30, woke up tired with a headache, tried to wash it down with somma that good ol Cafe D’vita but it nagged on. Iono what I got, but it’s one big kick in the ass.

Anyway, I updated the Runs section with pics and commentary on both the Portola run, and the Run to the far side that I did last weekend. Speaking of running, this condludes my second consecutive day without a run, maybe tommorow? I don’t know Davey…I don’t know.

I did a little tinkering with the way the news is spit out, kidna nice how it fits the spot right? Kinda makes the comments look kinda sloppy though, whatever, function over cosmetics. Oh by the way, you guys need to comment more, for chrimany sakes, 10’000 different people go to this site every month and I cant get more than 2 comments a post? Whats the deal ya little mutes?

Well tommorow’s Thursday, which means it’s practically Friday, and my first items on the neverending site agenda would be including a buncha new tracks on the Radio, maybe installing a new guestbook, among other things. Thats that than.

What do you call a wrestler with no arms and no legs
Remember Donkeylips?
Mount St Helens Cam
Road Rage Signs

In Joy & Sorrow

Well I should be at the Warfield right now watchin this guy sing, and these guys play rock n roll music, I should be raisin my torch to “Fortress of Tears” I should be rockin hard to “Siginum Diaboli”…nope nope…not tonight, nor tomorrow night. POSTPONED!! Now usually when you think of an event being postponed, you think it’ll take place maybe a week, maybe even two weeks later right? Right??? Hoozaa boot FEBRUARY 28TH!! Why I ask? I don’t know why it’s postponed, probably overestimation of ticket sales, so if you live in the bay area, I suggest pickin up some tickets

Well asides from that, I gave my debate in english today, had to give my affirmative rebuttal on sweat shops, I wasn’t as nervous as I should have been, I’m not really sure how I did, Leo said, and I quote : “You sounded like…hella smart and shit at first, than uh…your shit got all retarded”. Gotta love critics right?

I didn’t go running today, first time I skipped it in weeks, I ended up sleeping from about 3:30 to 6:00, boy oh boy powernapping is my new sport. Woke up to screeching and ringing, from either inside or outside, I don’t know; the fucks outside were working hard “testing out” every single alarm my top of the line apartment complex is equipped with. So as I drifted in and out of sweet, sweet slumber I was greeted with a sampler platter of different shrill blips and clammering bells, fire alarms to that idiotic power outage alarm I told you about, and as if the stupid alarms weren’t enough you could hear the screwballs yelling back and forth to each other, “Ey bobby whats this one do?” I wanna be an alarm tester when I grow up.

So Kelsie sent me a link to this amateur photographer’s website, who has been snappin flashes at our girls water polo team for a few years now and he jus developed his latest batch, I share them with you now: Our dashing goalie, Alexa blocks the shit outta some other pug fugly opponenet, I don’t know about this shot but it kinda looks like Julia is drownin somebody, heres my girlgetting almost out of the water almost to her ass level, a physical impossibility for most, Meg pumpin shotty at the non-hotty, and heres another of meg, heres Michelle shootin, heres one of Asuka. I was lookin at some of the other schools this guy took photos of, and I gotta say we probably have the most attractive girls water polo team in the universe, jus take a look at the competiton

So its December already, November was cool…was a great month for NBHQ we were jus short of 10,000 different people that visited, hopefully we can hit that this year, got about 895638 hits thats damn close to a million! So be sure to spread the word bout the site, send me pics, send me funny shit, so this shit can get bigger. E-mail me at

Avril Lavigne is one ugly entity!
Single guy’s mind
JLO’s boob popping out
Fat man’s diary
Martha Stewart’s Prison Diary
Pregnant for 50 Years?
Pepsi Spice Project
Prison Modeling
Bring our soldiers home!
Smash your cellphone
Bring our soldiers home!
An island jus for dogs?
3rd Grade Geography Game
Smash your cellphone

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