Toppa the Day
Woke up, ate my bowl of potatoe-o’s, danced a quick jig to shake the sleep off, kissed my sheep good morning, and rolled around in corn beef. Than I got dressed. hah
I want a car meng, so I can run over Ben, and play my shit as loud as I want cause im so deaf. Blastin the H.I.M. lika straight sav yo. Listen to the Fortress of Tears 7 times ;). Than I’d back up over Ben again.
St patty’s day, I’m wearin a green garner so you can’t touch this. Remember the lord of the dance guy? Michael Flatly? What the hell happend to that guy? I heard he wasnt even Irish either. Crazyness…
Happy birfday Niko, happy Birfday Allison.
‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky..
I almost forgot how to feel, thanks for reminding me
I thank this love, that which united we
youd get so fucking jumped if you blasted H.I.M. ……
Happy Saint PAtty’s Day!
I lerve Nicky so hard! LOVIN IT! brrady…
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