Year of the Book
Aragon Yearbooks…are very bad…yo I gotta fake I.D. though, and siggies for frizzies! Sign my yearbook and while your down there, check my bad pic ass pic on the FRONT of the sophmore page. Crazyness, insaneness, dawknessness is also on therr wiff me with Dallitos, yaya.
Yeh so its Thursday today, I hate basketball jus as much as I hated it on Monday and Tuesday. Ya know I signed up for the shit by mistake and I got all stuck with it. Im so bad! All awkward and as Nasty Nate put it, “unmofuckin – coordinated” said he din’t know white boys could do ballerina moves. So I guess I can’t be that bad if I’m gettin compliments like that! Wooty Woo! I usually end up strollin down the court and jumpin higher than everyone so I see what its like to touch the hmm, its weird cause I wasn’t always this bad 😛 maybe its jus one of those things that goes with hmmm
So I hella ran when I got home, tried to hit up that piece of ass treadmill, shit goes crazy if you run on it for more than like 5 minutes, so I bid it good day, and jet up the street round CSM, forgot how big the campus really is :P. I felted kinda awkward running alone, and I probably looked crazy too, cause I don’t conform to the typical running apparel, I sport the normal shorts anda normal tee, and I pimp the wear I wear em. And baby if crack kills, consider me a murderer. Iono meng, say whatchu want bout the jogging/running crowd, but I say we put those cycler pussies in their place. Werd.
Weekend is lookin pretty good from here, pretty pretty good indeed. Some dawkness? Some Sugah? Ehh ehh??
Wull im beat ese. Props to Ashley:
hey look, im fully clothed.. well u wouldnt know that but HAHA NO BOOBS
Holla atcha balla
Ashy Pie!
Holla and Happy Thanksgiving. stillhouse hollow lake can have i it like that australian tennis world map longitude merry dawn kennel mini muffin recipe co landfill kraft south beach translate english to italian eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die